A periodontal society from an international country outside of Europe (according to the WHO definition) can apply for International Associate Membership. To apply, these societies must fulfil the following criteria:

  1. The society should be active for a minimum of three years before application;
  2. The society should have clear, written by-laws that contain inclusion criteria for membership, board election system, etc.;
  3. The society should prove that it is the only/ the major / the most representative society of the local periodontal community in the country;
  4. The society should demonstrate that it has organised periodontal congresses with internationally renowned speakers, with a minimum of one every three years.


International Associate Member Societies will enjoy the following privileges:

  • Special subscription price to the JCP and other Wiley journals provided to EFP members. 
  • The same participation fees at the EuroPerio congress and other educational events organised by the EFP as full EFP members;
  • Inclusion in the EFP member list as International Associate Member;
  • Use of the EFP International Associate Member logo;
  • Access to the EFP Partner projects documents for their national use and translation;
  • Access to the EFP newsletters and publications;
  • Nomination of one representative to the International Associate Member Group and invitation to him/her to the annual EFP General Assembly;
  • Support given to the International Associate Member societies by the EFP Immediate Past President;
  • Meeting with the Executive Committee at the EuroPerio congresses;
  • One international session at EuroPerio congresses (session topics to be proposed) from the group;
  • Access through administration (European Co-ordinator or Head of Operations) to invite EFP speakers to their national congresses;
  • Two free registrations at EuroPerio congresses for board delegates;
  • Possibility of proposing to the EFP an overseas Master Clinic (topic/budget/venue proposal to be drafted in a clear proposal).


Once accepted, the International Associate Member society should fulfil these obligations:

  • Pay an annual fee of 2 euros per society member (fee calculated on the total number of members registered in the society as per March of each year)
  • Take an active part in the activities of the EFP (promotion of the EuroPerio congresses, projects and events, etc..)
  • Actively promote the JCP journal subscriptions to their members 

How to apply for International Associate Society membership

International societies seeking membership of the European Federation of Periodontology should send to the EFP Secretary General via the Head of Operations (slegendre@efp.org) a full report on the periodontal society and the status of periodontal practice, education, and research in their country. This report must be accompanied by a formal agreement to abide by the EFP constitution, Code of Conduct, and by-laws and an English-language version of their society’s Constitution and by-laws.

The written report should include the following:

  • Name and legal address of the periodontal society;
  • By-laws;
  • Proof of independence from other professional societies or bodies;
  • Brief history;
  • Number of members and categories;
  • Main activities;
  • List all scientific and professional activities carried out in the last three years, including national congresses, conferences, etc (if possible include brochures, programmes, etc);
  • Periodontal Practice. Describe the organisation of dental services in general and periodontal care in particular. Provide details of the provision of periodontal care in terms of staffing and organisation in the public and the private sector. Provide figures where they are available. Describe how the profession is organised and the requirements for licensure, for recognition of specialists, etc.;
  • Periodontal Education. Describe the framework of dental education in the country (number of dental schools, types of curricula, etc). Describe how periodontal education is provided, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level and how it is in approximate agreement with the EFP educational guidelines, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels;
  • Periodontal Research. Describe the main research activities carried out in your country in recent years with special relevance in the field of periodontology. List the scientific journals available and provide references of articles or IADR abstracts of original scientific work published in refereed journals in English language;
  • Sign the declaration of the EFP Code of Conduct.
  • Sign the declaration that the society is the official and unique periodontal society in their country.

Once this report is received, it will be presented to the Executive Committee which will analyse the documentation provided. The General Assembly will take the final decision on the membership of the society applying.

Applications submission deadline: 60 days before the GA , 31st January 2025. Documents should be submitted in the original language of the society and in English.

Applications must be sent to the EFP Head of Operations Sharon Legendre (slegendre@efp.org)