EFP Undergraduate Essay Competition/ Past Winners

UEC Essay competition 2022
EFP Undergraduate Essay Competition Award for the essay entitled “How can the clinical practise and science of periodontology be developed to ensure environmental sustainability?”
ELIN BENGTSSON, 4th year student from School of Dentistry, Umea University, Sweden
SHEN JIAN JING, 3rd year student from Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore
UEC Essay competition 2018
The EFP has announced the winners of its essay competition for dental students and dental hygiene/therapy students currently studying at a dental school in one of the 30 countries with EFP-affiliated national societies of periodontology.
The three winners, whose essays addressed the question “Why I would consider a career in periodontology,” are:
- Emily Davison, a fourth-year dental student from Glasgow, UK;
- Michaela Eklund, a third-year dental student from Umea, Sweden;
- Natasha West, a second-year dental student from Cardiff, UK.
The winners each received a free registration for EuroPerio9 (Amsterdam, 20-23 June, 2018) plus €250 to offset travel costs, together with a certificate of award.
A total of 77 essays – 73 from dental students and four from dental hygiene/therapy students – were received, with 21 countries represented.
The competition was organised by the EFP’s undergraduate education committee. The judging panel comprised the committee’s chair, Philip Preshaw, and members Mervi Gursoy, Rok Gaspersic, Asaf Wilensky, and Andreas Stavropoulos.
Winning entries
Emily Davison

Michaela Eklund

Natasha West