Welcome to the EFP Alumni community

EFP Alumni brings together alumni of the EFP-accredited programmes in periodontology to reconnect, collaborate, and maintain strong ties. 

One of EFP Alumni's goals is to closely follow the professional path of its alumni while also developing a cultural identity and a feeling of integration with the wider EFP community. To achieve this, your participation is highly important.

Access this portal, register as a member of EFP Alumni, and start enjoying the range of services, activities, events, and information that we provide. More than your presence in the history of EFP Alumni, we want you to be part of the future of this community.

Explore programmes & universities

Ever wondered what is like to enter an EFP-accredited programme? Here you can find all the information about our EFP-accredited centres along with testimonials from alumni.

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Perio Life

Perio Life is a new EFP magazine that reflects the work of the periodontists who are alumni of the EFP-accredited postgraduate programmes of periodontology. It is written by members of EFP Alumni, which represents periodontists who have received the EFP certificate after completing their accredited masters’ courses and members of the faculties that teach the programmes.

View Perio Life

The EFP Alumni group is a community of over 600 periodontists who graduated from an EFP-accredited postgraduate programme. The goal of the EFP Alumni committee is to highlight and celebrate both the clinical and academic achievements of those within this community

Edward Madeley, chair of EFP Alumni

Become a member of EFP Alumni

Are you part of this community? Don’t wait any longer to register as an EFP alumnus or alumna and become part of this dynamic network.


EFP Alumni committee

Chair Edward Madeley
PEC chair Moshe Goldstein
EFP President Andreas Stavropoulos
EFP officer Moritz Kebschull
EFP Alumni Ana Castro
EFP Alumni Giacomo Baima