The EFP is delighted to announce the 2022 EFP Undergraduate Essay Competition for dental students and dental hygienist/therapist students currently studying at a dental school in an EFP member country. The competition, organised by the EFP’s Undergraduate Education Committee, is open to all such students who are currently studying at a dental school in one of the 37 countries with EFP-affiliated national societies of periodontology.

Prize: Free registration for the 2022 EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen plus 500 Euros. Prize available for 2 winners.Prize: Free registration for the 2022 EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen plus 500 Euros. Prize available for 2 winners.

Two winners will each receive free registration for EuroPerio10 (Copenhagen, 15-18 June 2022) plus €500 to offset travel costs, together with a certificate of award. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience the world’s premier conference in periodontology and learn from leaders in the field.

The essay title is “How can the clinical practise and science of periodontology be developed to ensure environmental sustainability?” and essays should be no longer than 1,000 words (not including references and the applicant’s contact details). 

The essays will be marked by members of the EFP Undergraduate Education Committee according to the following criteria

1. Demonstration of understanding and imagination in answering the question posed by the essay title (20 marks)

2. Quality of the writing (while accommodating the fact that English will not be the first language of all students) (10 marks)

3. Use (and correct citation) of references to support the concepts considered in the essay (10 marks).

Please send your entry (a single PDF document) to the email address shown below. Please note the following:

• Save the PDF with the filename: your last name_your first name_country.pdf

• Page 1 of the document should contain your name, email address, mobile phone number, the name, city and country of your dental school, the course you are studying (e.g. dentistry, hygiene/therapy), and the year of the course you are enrolled in.

• Page 1 must also contain a signed statement (with electronic signature) from a named member of staff at your dental school (e.g. head of periodontology department) confirming that you are an undergraduate student studying dentistry or dental hygiene/dental therapy, and you have permission to attend EuroPerio10.

• The essay should start on page 2 of the PDF, written in English, using Arial font size 11, 1.5 line spacing, with references formatted according to the Journal of Clinical Periodontology referencing style

• Essays should be submitted electronically in PDF format to Monica Guinea, EFP European Coordinator, at

The two winning essays will be published on the EFP website with full credit given to their authors. The deadline for essay submissions is 15 April 2022 and winners will be notified by 10 May 2022.