What is an EFP accredited Programme?

The courses are organised in 3 years (full-time) comprising 180 European Credits (ECTS) and are given in an accredited Dental School or in an accredited postgraduate centre, which enables the successful postgraduate student to practise Periodontology, including surgical oral implant therapy at a specialist level.

Every programme includes didactic, research and clinical training:

  • Clinical training

Inherent to the programmes is the clinical training where the graduate student will acquire proficiency in all diagnostic and therapeutic areas of Periodontology, including all the surgical aspects of implant therapy. The clinical programme is organised in collaboration with the rest of the clinical departments of the dental school, hospital or post-graduate centre, enabling the graduate student to acquire the necessary skills for the treatment of complex multidisciplinary cases.

  • Didactic courses

Each programme consists of didactic courses with a series of modules including lectures, seminars, tutorials, group discussion and an extensive review of the literature of all topics relevant to the field of Periodontology.

  • Research training

Each programme also includes the development and execution of a research project by each student. The results of this research project must be presented in the form of a written report amenable for publication in an English-language international refereed scientific journal.

Why follow an EFP accredited Programme?

To be trained in periodontology at a specialist level at one of the most recognised schools in the field.

Any EFP accredited programme:

  • Offers high standards, intellectual challenges and effective clinical training
  • Provides access to EFP-accredited postgraduate international network
  • Enables the programme to continuously self-evaluate and improve clinical and learning practices
  • Facilitates exchange programmes between accredited universities
  • Represents international peer recognition

Quality standards for EFP accredited programmes

One of the missions of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) is improvement of the quality of periodontal practice in Europe. In order to provide the necessary harmonisation of periodontal education, every EFP accredited postgraduate programme must comply with a series of quality standards defined by EFP which supply guidelines and common quality standards for graduate training programmes in Periodontology.

Quality Standards for Graduate Programs in Periodontology details the competences, learning outcomes and content of any Postgraduate Programme in Periodontology, according to the provisions defined in the European Directive for Professional Qualifications (2005).

The standards are grouped into 4 main categories:

  1. Qualifications of the director of the periodontology training programme (the trainer);
  2. Qualifications of the periodontology training programme;
  3. Qualifications of the periodontology training facility, and;
  4. Qualifications of the periodontal service.

In order for a graduate programme in periodontology to be accredited by the EFP, it must comply with these quality standards. The visiting evaluation committee will be more than interested in any additional local qualifications that support the mandatory standards.

EFP examination and granting the EFP certificate

At the end of the third year, the postgraduate students take a final examination in front of a Board of Examiners, which at a minimum includes an external examiner appointed by the EFP.

The examination consists of an oral presentation of five fully documented cases encompassing the whole field of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. The students must be prepared to answer questions related to the general subject of periodontology and implant dentistry. In addition, students are required to present a scientific report (a report of the research project including an extensive introduction) to the Board of Examiners.

The students are evaluated according to specific guidelines ( more info in Working document for granting an EFP certificate to graduate students who passed an EFP approved graduate program in Periodontology, periodontics and implant Dentistry ) related to clinical performance (formulation of diagnostic, treatment planning or surgical therapy) and scientific proficiency (literature evaluation and study design development).

The external EFP examiner is a PhD/certified periodontist resident of a foreign country
 and a well-recognised clinician still active in patient treatment, postgraduate education and research. He must be actively involved in EFP periodontal postgraduate education. Requirements EFP examiner, Guidelines for the evaluation report of the EFP examiner and evaluation form of the examination defines the requirements for appointing an EFP examiner.

Once the board of examiners certify the passing of this examination, the graduate students are granted with the Certificate of Completion of Specialised Training (CCST) in Periodontology, Periodontics and Implant Dentistry issued by the EFP. The procedure for granting the EFP certificate is described in details in the document below.