Master-after-Master in Periodontology and clinical post-graduate, KU Leuven

This program is a program that is based on scientific evidence but forces the participants to critical thinking. The main focus is clinical. Students will spent at least 70% of their time on patient treatment. The large population of patients and highly diverse staff with different focusses allows a very broad array of possible treatments that can be offered to the student. The program covers both implant dentistry and periodontics. Additionally, 5 key opinion leaders that are invited each year for “private” courses.   

Description of the theoretical and practical component

One to two half days per week are dedicated towards theoretical training in periodontology and implant dentistry. This is done partially via interactive seminars organized within the department of periodontology, but also by other departments of the School of Dentistry (Orthodontics, Restorative Dentistry, Oral Radiology, Anatomy, Statistics, ....). The department also invites ± 5 key-opinion leaders per year, who are teaching on very specific topics within periodontology, and have a “private” open discussion with the postgraduate students alone.
Most seminars are preceded by self-studying. In this way the whole scope of periodontology can be covered. 

Besides the development of clinical skills, the graduate must also develop a thorough understanding of the basic sciences of periodontology (anatomy, biology, function & regeneration of bone & soft tissues).

Scientific literature will be assessed according to validity and read with attention to detail. 

At the end of the program students will have performed more than 120 periodontal surgeries (including muco-gingival and GTR procedures) and more than 100 implants, some of those in combination with different GBR techniques. 

At the end of the 3rd year the students are required to present 8 multidisciplinary cases including a justification of the treatments as well as the procedures performed. 

The 1st year students primarily focus on initial periodontal therapy, resective periodontal surgery and straightforward implant surgeries. During the 2nd year mucogingival procedures and GTR/GBR techniques are added, plus more complex implant surgeries. In the last year students will have the chance to perform more complex interventions under the guidance of an expert, and start more routine interventions with younger post graduate students (supervision on demand). Each case must be planned, discussed and approved by a supervisor. Clinical sessions are scheduled in combination with Orthodontics and Restorative Departments. Teams will be created with one post graduate student of each of these departments, working together during the 3 years of training. 

Description of the research component

Postgraduate students are involved in clinical and fundamental research, leading to a publication. Depending on the field of interest, students can choose to set up a study, perform a retrospective analysis, perform a systematic review or can be involved in the studies of PhD students. Research data can be presented at congresses via poster presentation or lecture.

Language requirements

A good knowledge of the Dutch language (ILT level 5) is required. Lectures are given in Dutch. Furthermore, patient communication is of utmost importance, therefore the ILT level 5 is a strict prerequisite.

Contact information

Parodontologie en Orale Microbiologie

Kapucijnenvoer 7 blok a - bus 7001

3000 Leuven

secretariaat: 016 332407

prof. M. Quirynen: 016 332485

prof. W. Teughels: 016 332505

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Visit the research group's website

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