Postgraduate program in Periodontology / Diplôme Universitaire de Parodontologie Clinique

This is a 3-year, full time course (32 hours/ week) which enables the successful post-graduate student to practice periodontics and implant dentistry at the specialist level.

Practical component

  • Every week students will have to manage and treat various periodontal cases
  • Each case will be discussed and planned with the supervisor
  • At the end of the program, each student will be required to complete at least: 
  • 20 implant placements including surgical and prosthetic procedures
  • 25 advanced periodontal cases including surgical procedures, prosthetic and/or orthodontic treatment, and implant placement
  • 100 surgical procedures (access surgery, osseous surgery, muco-gingival procedures, crown lengthening)
  • 5 full documented clinical cases must be presented according to the EFP Board exam

Theoretical component

  • During the three year program activities apart from clinic consist of:
  • Everyday case presentations and discussion of scientific literature among students and teaching staff
  • Practical Workshops (sutures, clinical management of patients, …)
  • Seminars with other departments and invited international lecturers
  • Participation in national and international congresses

Research component

Each student will carry out an individual research project, either in basic sciences related to periodontology/implantology or a clinical research project. Students will discuss and update the research project with the supervisor. The results of the project will be presented in a written report amenable for publication in a peer reviewed international journal, and the project will be part of the final examination.

You gain: a clear protocol to treat periodontal patients, a deeper understanding of periodontal diseases, self-confidence and autonomy during surgical procedures, skills to understand and interpret better scientific articles

Maria Villar

Intense and complete program that help you to improve as a clinician and upgrade your surgical skills.

Jolivet Guilheim

This program enabled me to not only to improve my clinical skills but also to broaden my future career prospects. From the first moment we worked as a team and we shared many experiences that I will never forget.

Gavriiloglou Marianna

It was an amazing experience both on personal and academic level.

Vagia Panagiota

This program combines learning from clinical cases and during seminars using literature (Evidence based medicine). Excellent relationship between the whole team who became friends, that makes you relax even though there is lot of personal work and stress.

Ibrahim Elisabeth

This programme boosted my self confidence, my critical capacity increased, and improved my surgical skill and technics.

Pierre Yves Gegout

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