
The EFP's recently published S3-level clinical-practice guideline for the treatment of periodontitis stages I-III provides evidence-based recommendations on all the therapeutic interventions used in the treatment of periodontitis.

Clinical cases will be presented to exemplify the flow from diagnosis to treatment planning and to therapy.

Webinar Aims

  • The aim of this presentation is to guide the clinician on how to proceed from the diagnosis of a periodontitis patient (using the stage-and-grade approach) to treatment planning, following a stepwise approach to periodontal therapy and using those interventions that have scientific bases for efficacy.
  • The learning outcomes are knowledge of how to use a decision-based approach to diagnose a patient suffering from periodontitis, how to organise the patient’s treatment plan following the steps of therapy defined in the clinical guideline, and how to use specific end-points of therapy to move within the different steps of therapy.



Cost: €35.00 Ex. VAT

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