How predictable is periodontal regeneration?

The second Perio Talks podcast features Mariano Sanz and Anton Sculean who focus on the topic of periodontal regeneration.

They consider advances made in regeneration in recent years and the biological knowledge and surgical skills needed by clinicians to perform bone regeneration successfully rather than extract and replace teeth. 

“On a short-term basis it’s a good option to extract the teeth, it’s very easy, however on a long-term basis saving teeth by using regenerative techniques is much more predictable and can improve the longevity of the treatment,” Prof. Sculean explains in the podcast.

In terms of predictability, patient selection is important, says Prof. Sanz, because to achieve success “a patient needs to have excellent oral hygiene and biofilm control because the key factor in wound healing is to have this healing happening in a clean environment that is inflammation free.”