General Information

Welcome to the world of EuroPerio!
After the postponement of EuroPerio10 due to the COVID-Outbreak we were ready to fully embrace The Road to Copenhagen by introducing the new EuroPerio Series. With these online sessions, we took virtual education a step further to bring the world of EuroPerio directly to our community all over the world. The EuroPerio Series served as a building block until the Europerio10 in Copenhagen. Until then we offered you interactive educational sessions that follow the contents of previous congresses paired with the new topics of the field.
Taking the most interesting insights of former EuroPerio Congresses and Perio Master Clinics and conveying them to the online space, we enabled the community to fully immerse themselves into the scientific discourse of periodontology and implant dentistry. Thus, we offered another way to acquire additional insights and knowledge regarding the world of periodontology and implant dentistry - anywhere at any time.
In a precise manner, the series focused on active engagement and interactive content to encourage professional discussions and scientific exchange between the experts and the community. Participants had the chance to get in touch with the leading experts in the field, initiate informed discussions and further develop their insights with the professional exchange.
Key facts:
- Open for everyone
- Registration closed
- Free kick-off event: June 5, 2021
- Monthly sessions starting from September 13, 2021 - March 14, 2022
- Fees: 35€ per session
- If you register for Europerio10 early, you get free access to EuroPerio Series
What it has to offer to you:
Participants | Faculty | Industry |
- Gain new insights with precise, practice-oriented and interactive sessions | - Promote your lectures | - Reach your audience wherever they are |
- Learn from experts of the field | - Connect with other professionals in the field | - Online |
- Build your network and get in touch with the leading professionals | - Attract a wide audience for your lecture at EP10 | - Not time-dependent |
- Be part of The Road to Copenhagen | - Help us raise awareness and foster knowledge about gum health and periodontal science | - Promote your company and products among the global Perio community |