Past EuroPerio Series
Session 1 | September 13, 2021 | 18:00-20:00 hrs
Bone regeneration – the present faces the future.
A conversation between the present and the future

Mariano Sanz (Spain)
More information on Mariano Sanz
I obtained the Medical Degree at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM) (1981) and later the Specialty of Stomatology (1983) and Doctorate in Medicine (PhD) at the same university (1985). Then I moved to UCLA (USA) to specialize in Periodontology (1988) and returned to UCM to become Professor of Periodontology (1989). Since then, I have held the position of Chairman of Periodontology, Director of the ETEP (etiology and therapy of periodontal and peri-implant diseases) Research Group and chairman of Postgraduate Periodontology. I am also Professor type II at the University of Oslo. I have received four honorary doctorate degrees by the Universities of Goteborg (Sweden), Coimbra (Portugal), San Sebastian (Santiago de Chile) and University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and I am the past Dean from UCM, past President of the Spanish Society of Periodontology, The European Federation of Periodontology and the European Federation of the IADR. I have published more than 350 scientific publications and I am an international lecturer in topics related to Periodontology, Implant Dentistry and Dental Education.

Istvan Urban (Hungary) | Importance of the surgical approach and effective use of guided bone regeneration
More information on Istvan Urban
Dr. Urban received his DMD degree and subsequently his MD degree from Semmelweis University School of Medicine and Dentistry (Budapest, Hungary) in 1991 and 1996.
He completed a full time program in oral surgery at St. Istvan Hospital in Budapest, Hungary (1992-1996). He completed his internship program in Periodontics at UCLA.
After he graduated from the Fellowship Program (1999-2000) in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, he was appointed assistant professor the following year. Dr. Urban teaches implant dentistry in the graduate program at Loma Linda University. He is licensed in the state of California (USA) and has a private practice in Budapest, Hungary.
Dr. Urban received his PhD degree in Periodontlogy in 2012 at the University of Szeged, Hungary. He is currently an honorary professor at the University of Szeged.
Dr. Urban is a board member of the Osteology Foundation and has published scientific articles and text book chapers on bone regeneration and soft tissue reconstructive surgery around dental implants. Recently, Dr. Urban has become an adjunct clinical associate professor at the Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine at the Univeristy of Michingan.
Dr. Urban is the author of the textbook titeled Vertical and Horizontal Augmentation published by Quintessence.

Cecilie Gjerde (Norway)
Autologous mesenchymal cells and synthetic bone replacement grafts in humans
More information on Cecilie Gjerde
Cecilie Gjerde finished her speciality in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at University of Bergen (UiB) in 2006. She worked as an oral maxillofacial surgeon at Haukeland University Hospital from 2002-2008. She was head of the clinical education for students and residents at the Section of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine at UiB since 2008. From 2012, she has a research position focusing on stem cells and tissue engineering. She has a part time referral clinic for oral surgery. Since 2020, she is the leader of Section for Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine at the UiB
She has published several scientific papers and given more than 150 invited lectures at national and international conferences.
In 2020, she completed her PhD focusing on mesenchymal stem cell in bone regeneration in clinical trials at UiB.
She won the Norwegian Grand Prix 2015 for Scientific Presentations and in 2016 she was awarded both the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry`s prize for scientific communication and the dental students' award for best lecturer. In 2017, she was given best educator prize from the final year dental students.

Saso Ivanovski (Australia)
Use of customised scaffolds
More information on Sašo Ivanovski
Sašo Ivanovski is the Dean of the School of Dentistry at the University of Queensland, Professor of Periodontology and director of the Centre for Orofacial Regeneration, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation (COR3). He combines these academic positions with part time specialist practice in periodontics and surgical implant dentistry. Sašo is on the editorial board on multiple journals, including the Journal of Dental Research and Clinical Oral Implants Research. He is also a board member and chair of the research advisory committee of the Australian Dental Research Foundation, and a past federal president of the Australasian Osseointegration Society (AOS) and the Australian Society of Periodontology (ASP). Sašo is president elect of the Australian and New Zealand Division of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). He is a Fellow of the International College of Dentists (FICD), Academy of Dentistry International (FADI), Pierre Fauchard Academy (FPFA) and International Team of Implantology (ITI Senior Fellow). He has published over 200 papers in the peer-reviewed literature and leads an internationally recognized research group focusing on regenerative dentistry and tissue engineering, as well as clinical periodontics and implant dentistry.
Session 2 | October 11, 2021 | 18:00-20:00 hrs
Treatment of stage IV periodontitis - Orthodontic treatment in stage IV periodontitis patients.

Moritz Kebschull (Germany)
More information on Moritz Kebschull
Moritz Kebschull is a Professor of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Birmingham in England. In addition, Moritz holds an adjunct professorship at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine in New York. Before coming to Birmingham, Moritz was an Associate Professor at the University of Bonn in Germany.
Moritz graduated from the University of Münster in Germany in 2004. He is a board-certified specialist in periodontology and holds two research doctorates in mucosal immunology and periodontology, respectively. In addition to his dental degrees, Moritz also earned a business degree from the top-ranked ESCP Business School in Paris.
Moritz’s research focuses on molecular patterns helping to differentiate and stratify periodontal disease patients. His work won 18 scientific awards, including the IADR Socransky and Gies awards, and the German Miller Prize.
Moritz has served on the executive board of the German Society of Periodontology for six years and is now a member of the Council of the British Society of Periodontology. He has chaired the development of five S3 guidelines in Germany. Moritz is co-leading the European Federation of Periodontology and European Society for Endodontology guideline processes, as well as the adoptions of the supra-national guidelines in the UK and Germany. Moritz is a member of the EFP Executive Committee, scheduled to become EFP president in 2024.

Spyridon N. Papageorgiou (Switzerland)
How to plan from an orthodontist point of view
More information on Spyridon Papageorgiou
Spyridon Papageorgiou is a faculty member at the Clinic of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Center of Dental Medicine of the University of Zurich in Switzerland and a Visiting Senior Lecturer in King’s College London. He graduated from the Dental School in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, while he completed his orthodontic specialty training and his doctorate (Summa Cum Laude) from the University of Bonn in Germany. He has published over 130 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and over 10 chapters (3000 citations; h-index: 33; i10-index: 76), acts as a reviewer for over 30 journals, academic editor in 3 journals, statistical advisor in 1 journal, (co-)supervisor / examiner over 10 theses or dissertations at Universities from 3 countries. He worked on basic science, clinical trials, and evidence-based research funded by the German Research Foundation (2013), the Greek & German State Scholarship Foundations (2015), and the European Orthodontic Society (2016). His work has received multiple awards, including the David L. Turpin Award for Evidence-Based Research (2012) and the B.F. and Helen E. Dewel Award for Clinical Research (2018) from the American Association of Orthodontists, the W.J.B. Houston Award (2017) from the European Orthodontic Society, the Chapman Prize (2018) from the British Orthodontic Society, and Best Research Awards from the Greek Orthodontic Society (2015) and the European Orthodontic Society (2021). His research focuses on the clinical outcome, duration, or side-effects of orthodontic treatment, evidence-based methods to identify bias in orthodontic clinical research, open / transparent research practices, and biomechanical orthodontic investigations with the finite element method.

Elena Figuero (Spain)
How to plan from a periodontist point of view
More information on Elena Figuero
Academic background:
• PhD in Dentistry (Mention of European Doctor). University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain.
• Postgraduate program “Master of Periodontology”. UCM, Madrid, Spain.
• Board on Periodontology by the European Federation on Periodontology.
• Postgraduate Program in Research Methodology in Medical Sciences University Autonoma, Barcelona, Spain.
Current positions:
• Full-time Associate Professor in Periodontology. School of Dentistry, University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain.
• Associate Dean for Quality Assurance and International Affairs. School of Dentistry, University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain.
• Co-director of the postgraduate program “Expert on Periodontal clinic” (Director: M. Sanz). Faculty of Dentistry, UCM, Madrid, Spain.
• Director of the program “Research methodology on Dentistry”. School of Dentistry, UCM, Madrid, Spain.
• Coordinator of the ETEP (Etiology and Therapy on Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases) Research Group.
• Treasurer of EuroPerio 11, Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Vienna, 2025).

Søren Jepsen (Germany)
Periodontal regeneration and orthodontic treatment
More information on Søren Jepsen
Søren Jepsen is Chair of the Department of Periodontology, Operative and Preventive Dentistry at the University Medical Center Bonn, Germany.
Previously he was Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at the University of Hamburg and later Associate Professor in the Dept. of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology at the University of Kiel. He received his Dental and his Medical Degree from the University of Hamburg in 1981 and 1986 and a MS in Periodontology from Loma Linda University, California, USA, in 1992. He became a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology in 1999. Prof. Jepsen is an elected member of Leopoldina (German National Academy of Sciences) since 2005. He was elected and invited as Chair of the Dept. of Periodontology, University of Berne, CH in 2007. From 2008 – 2015 he was Speaker of the Clinical Research Unit 208 „Aetiology and Sequelae of Periodontal Diseases“ funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the University of Bonn. He served as President of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) from 2015-2016, was Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee for the AAP/EFP World Workshop on a New Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases in 2017 and Scientific Chair for EuroPerio9 in 2018. He is a member of the EFP-Workshop Committee, which has recently developed S3-Level Clinical guidelines for the treatment of periodontitis. He has lectured and published extensively, has received numerous awards – more recently the AAP Special Citation Award in 2018 and the IADR/PRG Award in Regenerative Periodontal Medicine in 2019 - and is Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Editorial board member of Clinical Oral Implants Research, the International Journal of Oral Implantology and the Chinese Journal of Dental Research.
Session 3 | November 15, 2021 | 18:00-20:00 hrs
Periodontal diseases and systemic diseases. Can we improve systemic health with periodontal therapy?

Phoebus Madianos (Greece)

Angela R. Kamer (USA)
Impact on Alzheimer`s disease.
More information on Angela Kamer
Angela R. Kamer completed her studies in Stomatology at the University "Iuliu Hatieganu" in Cluj Napoca, Romania, and entered private practice. Then, she went on to receive her MS in Oral Sciences, Ph.D. in Pathology and training in Periodontics from the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA and Implant Dentistry at College of Dentistry, New York University. Dr. Kamer’s current position as an Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at the NYU College of Dentistry and her collaboration with the Brain Health Imaging Institute of Weil Cornell Medical School, affords her a unique opportunity to bridge both medical and dental research by establishing collaborations across disciplines. Her research has focused on the role of peripheral inflammation/dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Periodontal disease is a peripheral, chronic polymicrobial condition affecting nearly 50% of people over 55 years of age and is characterized by high Gram-negative pathogenic bacterial load and increased systemic inflammation. Results of studies from Dr. Kamer’s group will show data supporting the possibility that periodontal disease may contribute to AD brain pathology.

Bjorn Klinge (Sweden)
Impact on cardiovascular diseases.
More information on Björn Klinge
Professor Björn Klinge received his DDS from Lund University, Sweden, in 1977 and earned his doctorate in Odontology in 1984, also from Lund University. In 1988 he became recognized specialist in Periodontology by the Swedish National board of health and welfare.
At Lund University Björn Klinge was Associate Dean for dental education. In 1979-1980 he was a visiting junior Staff member at Loma Linda University, CA, USA. He was Head of the Department of Experimental Surgical Research at the faculty of Odontology in Malmo, Sweden, from 1980-1994. During that period he developed recognized models for research on tissue-integrated implants and periodontal regeneration. In 1994 Björn Klinge was appointed Professor and Chair of Periodontology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm by the Swedish Government. Soon after his arrival he was appointed Dean and he was responsible for extensive development of the Dental faculty, including education, research and clinical activities. In 2012 he was recruited to Malmö University as the Dean for the Faculty of Odontology as well as Professor in Periodontology.
He is currently Professor in the Department of Dental Medicine, Division of Oral Health and Periodontology at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden and Senior Professor of Periodontology at the Faculty of Odontology at Malmö University. He is a scientific advisor in periodontology to the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden.
Professor Klinge is Honorary Fellow at the Singapore Dental Hospital, and Honorary Professor at Ji-Lin University in China and Honorary member of the Swedish Dental Association. He is a Board member and Past President of the Scandinavian Society of Periodontology, and former President of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO). He is a past President and Honorary member of the Swedish Periodontal Association.
Recently his research interest and related publications (around 170 scientific international publications available through PubMed) mainly focus on the oral-systemic link, periimplantitis and periodontal tissue regeneration. Klinge has lectured extensively nationally and internationally by invitation to around 40 countries worldwide.
In February 2020 he was awarded the Karolinska Institute Silver medal for his outstanding service in promoting human health through research, education and communication with the society.

Francesco d'Aiuto (United Kingdom)
Impact on diabetes.
More information on Franceso d'Aiuto
Francesco qualified from the University of Naples. Italy in 1997. After attending post-graduate training courses in periodontology in Italy and Sweden, he completed his specialty program (MClinDent) at UCL, London in 2008. His research career started with a Clinical research fellowship from the Italian Society of Periodontology (2000) followed by a PhD in clinical periodontology (2005) both at UCL. He received a number of awards including the AAP clinical Research Award (2005), Antony Rizzo Young Investigator Award in (2009), Innovators in Diabetes Award from the UK Charity Diabetes UK (2012) and a Clinical Senior Lectureship from the Department of Health in UK (2010). He was appointed Professor of Periodontology and Head of the Periodontology Unit at UCL in 2017. His research focus is on the association between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes as well as pathogenesis of periodontitis and innovative regenerative therapies.
Session 4 | December 13, 2021 | 18:00-20:00 hrs
Innovations in step 2 of periodontal therapy. Selecting the best adjunctives

Filippo Graziani (Italy)
More information on Filippo Graziani
Filippo Graziani @filigraziani University of Pisa, UCL London • Full professor in Periodontology – University of Pisa • Coordinator of the unit of dentistry and oral surgery, university hospital of Pisa • Past President of the European Federation of Periodontology • Visiting Professor in Periodontology – Eastman Dental Institute • University College of London, London, UK • Honorary Professor – Faculty of Dentistry, Hong Kong SAR, China
Prof. Filippo Graziani
DDS, MClinDent (Perio), PhD
FG is Full Professor of Periodontology of the University of Pisa (Italy). He is responsible of the Sub-Unit of “Periodontology, Halitosis and Periodontal Medicine” of the University Hospital of Pisa.
At the present is also Visiting Professor in Periodontology at UCL of London (Eastman Institute) and Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, Hong Kong. His clinical activities are fully dedicated to Periodontology and he runs his private practice limited to periodontology.
He obtained his DDS in Pisa and then a PhD in Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. He gained the Mastership in Periodontology at the Eastman Dental Institute of London. He also holds a Master in Clinical research and an Oral Surgery Specialty.
He is the Past President of the European Federation of Periodontology and he is chairman of the European Project Committee of the European Federation of Periodontology.
His research activities focus on periodontal surgical treatment and periodontal medicine. He achieved grants for millions of euros and created more than 20 research positions throughout the years.
He published more than 100 scientific manuscripts in impacted factor journals. Reviewer of numerous scientific journals, associate Editor of Minerva Stomatologica and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.He was awarded in 2013 with Earl Robinson Award for Periodontal Regeneration of the American Academy of Periodontology, in 2015 with the Clinical research -Jaccard Prize of the European Federation of Periodontology and in 2017 the Goldman prize of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology. He won numerous research grants from institutional and private companies to run his research activities.
He is the founder of Periocampus (, a new way of teaching Periodontology and editor of the Periocampus Herald. He is also founder of a fully dedicated periodontal clinic: Parocentro using his clinical protocols (
He founded Bee Queen 33, a start-up focusing on health communication and supporting dentists worldwide in creating and developing their communication and marketing.

Giovanni Salvi (Switzerland)
Improved technologies in subgingival instrumentation
More information on Giovanni Salvi
Giovanni E. Salvi received his license in dental medicine in 1988 from the medical faculty of the
University of Bern, Switzerland. In 1990 he received his „Dr. med. dent“ degree. Between 1992 and
1994 he was a graduate student in the Department of Periodontology and Fixed Prosthodontics at the
University of Bern, Switzerland. From 1994 to 1997 he was a postdoctoral research associate at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA. In 1998 he became a board-certified periodontist.
He has been since 1999 a fellow of the International Team of Implantology (ITI). In 2005 he was
appointed teacher of the year in the School of Dental Medicine, Bern, Switzerland. Since 2003 he is a
member of the editorial board of Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Clinical Oral Implants Research.
In 2006 he was appointed Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research. In 2010 he was promoted
to associate professor. In 2012 he was awarded the honorary membership of the German Society of
Periodontology (DGP).
He has authored more than 160 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
His research interests focus on novel treatment approaches for the management of periodontal and
peri-implant diseases.

Iain Chapple (United Kingdom)
Adjunctive antioxidant micronutrients
More information on Iain Chapple
Iain Chapple is Professor of Periodontology, Director of Research for the Institute of Clinical Sciences, and former Head of the School of Dentistry (2016-2020) at The University of Birmingham UK. He graduated in 1986 from Newcastle University. Iain is former Scientific Editor of: the British Dental Journal, Journal of Periodontal Research and Journal Clinical Periodontology (to 2021), and current Associate Editor of Periodontology 2000. He has written 13-textbooks and 35 book chapters. Iain served the IADR Periodontal Research Group (PRG) as President (2006-7), Group Chair (2008-1015) and Counsellor (2016). He served the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) as: Treasurer (2007-2013); EFP Workshop co-chair (2008-current); Foundation Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee; Editor of JCP Digest (2014-2016); EFP Secretary General (2016-2019). He was British Society of Periodontology President 2014-2015 and awarded the Charles Tomes medal of the Royal College of Surgeons (2011) and the IADR Distinguished Scientist in Periodontal Research 2018. He was awarded the special citation award of the American Academy of Periodontology 2018. Iain leads Birmingham’s Periodontal Research Group, has published over 230 peer-reviewed manuscripts in the international scientific literature. He leads a regional periodontal service for a population base of 6 million and a national service for adults with Epidermolysis Bullosa. His clinical interests lie in periodontal medicine and surgery.

Wim Teughels (Belgium)
Adjunctive antimicrobials
More information on Wim Teughels
Professor Wim Teughels graduated in 2000 as a dentist at the KULeuven in Belgium. At the same university, he obtained in 2006 the degree of specialist in Periodontology and defended successfully his PhD. He also received the “European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) certificate in Periodontology”. In 2007, he was appointed assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the KULeuven. His teaching obligations consist of a variety of subjects within the field of Periodontology and Human Anatomy. Currently, he works as a professor at the KULeuven and the University hospitals Leuven.
His research focuses on periodontology and oral microbiology with a special emphasis on bacterial adhesion, microbial interactions, antimicrobials and probiotics. This has led to more than 160 publications in international journals. He is frequently invited for lectures regarding the concept of “probiotics”. In 2012, Prof. Teughels became an associate editor for the Journal of Periodontal Research and an associate editor for the “Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology” textbook. Currently he is the director of the EFP accredited Post-graduate training program in Periodontology in Leuven and board member of the Belgian Society for Periodontology and the Post-Graduate Educational Committee of the EFP.

Alpdogan Kantarci (United States)
Adjunctive host-modulating agents
More information on Alpdoğan Kantarci
Dr. Alpdoğan KANTARCI holds a D.D.S. and a Ph.D. degree.
He is a certified specialist of Periodontology (C.A.G.S.) and a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology.
He is a Senior Member of the Staff (Professor) at the Forsyth Institute in Cambridge, MA, USA. He serves as a faculty member at Harvard University School of Dental Medicine and an Adjunct Professor at Boston University’s Henry Goldman School of Dental Medicine.
He has started his career as a dentist after graduating from Istanbul University in 1991. He completed his clinical and doctorate studies at Istanbul University at the Department of Periodontology. He moved to the USA in 1999 as a postdoctoral fellow. Upon completing his postdoctoral studies in 2002, he has started clinical periodontology specialization training at Boston University. After graduating, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in 2004 at the Goldman School of Dental Medicine. He was promoted to the Associate Professorship in 2009. In 2010, he joined the Forsyth Institute and Harvard University maintaining his faculty position at Boston University.
He is a practicing periodontist and implantologist. Dr. Kantarci is the clinical director of the Forsyth Institute’s Faculty Practice.
During his academic career, Dr. Kantarci has been actively involved in training, education and patient care. He has mentored more than 50 PhD, doctorate, and Master’s theses; directed and taught in several graduate and postgraduate clinical and didactic dentistry courses. He serves in the editorial board and as a reviewer of more than 20 dental and medical scientific journals.
His research interests include Molecular Mechanisms and Resolution Pathways of Oral Inflammation in Periodontitis, Experimental Models; Signal Transduction in Neutrophils and Monocytes in Inflammatory Diseases, Clinical Applications of High-Throughput Analysis in Dental Research (e.g. xMAP Multiplexing), and Biology of Tooth Movement.
He has published more than 160 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, wrote book chapters, and has presented more than 500 oral talks and posters in dental and medical congresses. He holds several patents.
He is the executive director at the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). He assumed the role of the editor-in-chief of the Journal of the IAP (JIAP) in 2021.
Session 5 | January 10, 2022 | 18:00-20:00 hrs
Peri-Implant Diseases – the Scandinavian connection. What is new in the surgical management of peri-implantitis?

Tord Berglundh (Sweden)
More information on Tord Berglundh
Dr. Tord Berglundh is Professor and Chairman at the Department of Periodontology, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. He graduated in December 1978 in Gothenburg and received his certificate as specialist in Periodontics in 1992 and the degree of Odont. Dr. (PhD) in 1993. He was appointed to Associate professor in 1994 and full Professor in Periodontology in 2002 at the University of Gothenburg, where he has served since 1981.
Dr. Berglundh is Co-Editor of the textbook Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry and Associate Editor of the journal Clinical Oral Implants Research. He has also served as Associate Editor of Journal of Clinical Periodontology and as a referee in several other journals. Dr. Berglundh has received numerous awards and has a citation H-index of 77. He has produced about 250 scientific publications within the field of dental implants, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases, immunology, genetics, tissue integration and regeneration.

Andreas Stavropoulos (Denmark)
General concepts in the treatment of peri-implantitis
More information on Andreas Stavropoulos
Andreas Stavropoulos is Professor at the Dept. of Periodontology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden. He is registered specialist in Periodontology in Sweden and treats patients at the University Specialty Clinic. He did his postgraduate training in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at Aarhus University (1996-1999), wherefrom he also received his Ph.D. (2002) and dr. Odont. degree (2011) based on preclinical and clinical studies on regenerative periodontal therapy and in association with dental implants. He joined Malmö University as Professor in 2013, and during 2020-2021 he was Professor Ordinarius in Periodontology at the University Clinics of Dental Medicine (CUMD), University of Geneva, Switzerland. He is member of the Executive Committee of the European Federation of Periodontology, Councilor of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, and Board Member of the International Academy of Periodontology. He is Editorial Board member in several esteemed dental journals, and editor-in-chief in Clinical and Experimental Dental Research.

Lisa Heitz-Mayfield (Australia)
Access flaps and maintenance
More information on Lisa Heitz-Mayfield
Professor Heitz-Mayfield received a Masters in Periodontology (1996) and Odont Dr (PhD) (1998) from Lund University, Sweden. Awarded a Brånemark Scholarship at the Brånemark Center, Malmo, Sweden. Awarded an ITI scholarship at the University of Berne, Switzerland where she became Head of the Oral Microbiology Research Laboratory, from 1999-2003. Received the André Schroeder Research Prize in Implant Dentistry. Chair of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) Research Committee, and member of the ITI Board of Directors from 2013 – 2021. Current positions include Adjunct Professor at the International Research Collaborative, The University of Western Australia, University of Notre Dame, Western Australia, Associate Professor at The University of Sydney, and Guest Professor at the University of Berne. Board member of the Osteology Foundation. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Oral Implants Research. Scientific publications in the fields of periodontal regeneration and management of peri-implant diseases. As a specialist in periodontology Prof Heitz-Mayfield maintains a private practice limited to periodontology and implant surgery with an emphasis on regeneration, prevention and comprehensive treatment planning.

Jan Derks (Sweden)
Reconstructive therapy
More information on Jan Derks
Jan Derks is a specialist in periodontics and sees patients at the specialist clinic of periodontics in Gothenburg, Sweden. He received his PhD from the University of Gothenburg where he maintains a position as Associate Professor at the Department of Periodontology, Institute of Odontology. His research is focused on biological complications associated with dental implants.

Frank Schwarz (Germany)
Implant surface decontamination
More information on Frank Schwarz
Frank Schwarz is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Editorial Board Member for Clinical Oral Implants Research. He is Past President of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI), Executive Board Member of the Osteology Foundation and was awarded the André Schröder Research Prize in 2007, the Miller Research Prize in 2012 and the Jan Lindhe Award in 2017.
Session 6 | February 14, 2022 | 18:00-20:00 hrs
Personalised medicine in periodontal and peri-implant diseases. How will personalised medicine help our patients?

Bruno Loos (Netherlands)
More information on Bruno Loos
Bruno G. Loos is a professor in periodontology at the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA, the joint faculty of dentistry of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). In addition, Loos is director of research at ACTA and member of ACTA’s board of directors. Loos received his dental degree in Amsterdam and his MSc degree in periodontology at Loma Linda University, CA, USA. Thereafter Loos received a Ph.D. degree in Oral Biology at the University at Buffalo, NY, USA. Previously, he served as chairman of the department of Periodontology and director of the ACTA’s MSc program in Oral Health Sciences. He is Director of the EFP-accredited postgraduate periodontology program. Loos is involved in fundamental research-questions related to the immunobiology of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and oral health. His clinical research focusses on relationships between oral health and systemic health, as well as clinical studies in the treatment of peri-implant diseases. Loos is the 2021 recipient of the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award for Research in Periodontal Disease.

Mariano Sanz (Spain)
Can we use personalised medicine in the management of periodontal diseases?
More information on Mariano Sanz
I obtained the Medical Degree at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM)(1981) and later the Specialty of Stomatology (1983) and Doctorate in Medicine (PhD) at the same university (1985). Then I moved to UCLA (USA) to specialize in Periodontology (1988) and returned to UCM to become Professor of Periodontology (1989). Since then, I have held the position of Chairman of Periodontology, Director of the ETEP (etiology and therapy of periodontal and peri-implant diseases) Research Group and chairman of Postgraduate Periodontology. I am also Professor type II at the University of Oslo. I have received four honorary doctorate degrees by the Universities of Goteborg (Sweden), Coimbra (Portugal), San Sebastian (Santiago de Chile) and University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and I am the past Dean from UCM, past President of the Spanish Society of Periodontology, The European Federation of Periodontology and the European Federation of the IADR. I have published more than 350 scientific publications and I am an international lecturer in topics related to Periodontology, Implant Dentistry and Dental Education.

Egija Zaura (The Netherlands)
What the microbiome can tell us.
More information on Egija Zaura
Egija Zaura is a full Professor in Oral Microbial Ecology and the chair of the Departments of Preventive Dentistry, Cariology and Pediatric Dentistry at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She obtained her Dental degree at Karolinska Institute, in Sweden, a degree in General Dentistry at Riga Stradins University, in Latvia and a PhD in Preventive Dentistry, at ACTA, in the Netherlands. Her current principal interests lay on understanding the acquisition, establishment and modulation of the oral microbiome, on oral microbial ecology at health and disease, and translating this fundamental knowledge to the clinical practice.

Niki Moutsopoulos (USA)
What the host response can tell us.
More information on Niki Moutsopoulos
Dr. Moutsopoulos is a Senior Clinical Investigator at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)/NIH, in the USA. She received a DDS degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Greece, completed her specialization in Periodontology at the University of Maryland, and obtained a PhD in immunology while working at NIDCR/NIH. Currently , she is the Chief of the Oral Immunity and Infection Section at NIDCR and directs both a clinical and a basic science program focus on oral mucosal immunity and periodontitis susceptibility though the study of patients with Mendellian/genetic forms of disease.
Session 7 | March 14, 2022 | 18:00-20:00 hrs
Periodontal regeneration – New concepts and approaches in periodontal regeneration

Leonardo Trombelli (Italy)
More information on Leonardo Trombelli
Full Professor and Chair, Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Ferrara. Director, Research Center for the Study of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases, University of Ferrara (1999-present). Assistant Professor at Advanced Education Program in Periodontics and Implant Surgery, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California (USA) (1995-2004). Director, Dental Clinic, University Hospital, Ferrara (2013-present). Dean, Dental School, University of Ferrara (2013-16). President, Medical School, University of Ferrara (2014-2016). Past President of the Italian Society of Osseointegration (2007-2009). Active member of Italian Society of Periodontology, Italian Academy of Osseointegration, International Association for Dental Research. Editorial Board member for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology (2000-present), Journal of Dental Research (2018-2023), member of the Peer review panel for the Journal of Periodontology. He is co-author of more than 160 papers (PubMed database) with a H-index=41, 2 textbooks and 10 textbook chapters. He was actively involved in the formulation of the 2018 Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions as well as the recent (2020) Clinical Practice Guidelines for the treatment of Stage I-III periodontitis. His private practice is limited to Periodontology and Oral Surgery.

Sandro Cortellini (Italy)
Treatment of combined furcation/intrabony defects
More information on Sandro Cortellini
Dr. Pierpaolo Cortellini received his MD from the University of Florence (Italy) in 1980, and his DDS in 1984 from the University of Siena (Italy). Visiting Professor at KU Leuven (Be) Dept. of Oral Health Sciences, he is the founder of the reaserch non-profit organisations ATRO (Firenze, IT) and ERGOPerio (Berne, CH). He is Past President of the Italian Society of Periodontology and of the European Federation of Periodontology. Promoter and Coordinator of six “National Educational Projects” from SIdP, he was Scientific Chairman of Europerio 6 and of the 1st EFP Master Clinic. He runs a multidisciplinary private practice and a Private Educational Center in Florence (Italy). Dr. Cortellini is involved in clinical research in periodontology since 1982, with special emphasis for periodontal regeneration, mucogingival surgery and diagnosis. Dr. Cortellini lectures extensively on a national and international level; he is referee of the main scientific journals in the field of periodontology, and is the author of more than 150 original publications in scientific journals.

Anton Sculean (Switzerland)
Application of new biologicals
More information on Anton Sculean
Anton Sculean is professor and chairman of the Department of Periodontology and currently the Head of the Dental Research Center (DRC) of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Prof. Sculean has authored more than 460 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 30 chapters in periodontal textbooks and has delivered more than 500 lectures at national and international meetings. He is Editor in Chief of Periodontology 2000, one of the top 2 ranked journals in Dentistry.
Prof. Sculean has been a recipient of many research awards, among others the Distinguished Scientist Award of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), the Anthony Rizzo Young Investigator Award of the Periodontal Research Group (PRG) of the IADR, the IADR/PRG Award in Regenerative Periodontal Medicine, and the Distinguished Teacher Award of the European Orthodontic Society. Professor Sculean is currently listed as the top-rated expert in Periodontics in the world
He is Past President of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). He is board member of the Osteology Foundation and of the Continental European Division (CED) of the IADR.
His research interests focus on periodontal wound healing and regeneration, regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, use of antibiotics, antiseptics and novel approaches such as lasers and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections.

Serhat Aslan (Turkey)
New surgical approaches
More information on Serhat Asland
Dr. Serhat Aslan is a graduate of Ege University, School of Dentistry where he received his DDS degree. He attended Periodontology Program of Graduate Study offered by Institute of Health Sciences at Ege University and graduated with PhD degree at Periodontics. He maintains a private practice limited to periodontics, fixed prosthodontics and implants with focus on microsurgery, soft and hard tissue reconstruction and minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Aslan is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, University of Milan, Italy. He is an Invited Professor in Post-graduate Program in Periodontology and Implantology, University of Porto, Portugal.
Currently, he is the board member and treasurer of Turkish Society of Periodontology. Also, he is a member of European Federation of Periodontology, Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology and Turkish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Dr. Aslan is intensely involved in mono/multi-center clinical research and development in periodontology, with special emphasis to plastic-periodontal surgery, guided bone/tissue regeneration and esthetic implant therapy.