European Gum Health Day 2019:

‘Healthy gums, beautiful smile ’

Gum Health Day 2019 on May 12 seeks to raise public awareness of the importance of periodontal health not only to overall health but also to aesthetics, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

About European Gum Health Day

Using the slogan “Healthy gums, beautiful smile,” the EFP and its affiliated national societies of periodontology are organising dozens of events and media activities in many countries to highlight the importance of keeping our gums strong and healthy.

The May 12 awareness day will bring information to millions of people who may not be fully aware of the impact of gingivitis, periodontitis, halitosis, and peri-implantitis on how they are perceived by others.

The EFP has produced a rich array of materials for the national societies to use in the events and activities they are organising for Gum Health Day 2019. These materials include videos, logos, key visuals, infographics, templates, and other content that can be freely used, translated, and adapted to local needs. There is also a brochure with guidelines for national societies on organising a successful Gum Health Day press conference. Some of these materials can be downloaded via the menu on the right of this page.

As part of the Gum Health Day 2019 campaign, all health professionals around the world are encouraged to sign the EFP Manifesto: Perio and General Health, a call to action for the prevention, early detection, and treatment of gum disease.

About Gum Health Day

Gum Health Day is an international awareness day held every year on May 12, whose aim is to increase public awareness of the seriousness of gum disease, the health problems associated with it, and the importance of maintaining healthy gums.

It seeks to remind people that gum health is a key factor for overall health throughout life, and that gum disease is a relevant public-health concern because it is linked to very serious chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and others. On a more positive note, gum health can help us save many lives, detect or prevent many severe conditions, and save many millions in medical costs.

Gum Health Day 2019 is the sixth EFP-promoted annual awareness day organised by the national perio societies. This initiative is now global and not merely European in its reach and impact.

Last year’s European Gum Health Day 2018, using the slogan “Health begins with healthy gums”, was joined by 41 national perio societies from four continents – 29 EFP-affiliated societies and 12 from Latin America. They organised a wide range of public-awareness activities, including free periodontal screenings, and generated a large amount of media coverage.

Latest Gum Health Day news

Participating societies