Working group 1

Role of microbial biofilms in the maintenance of oral health and the development of dental caries and periodontal diseases
This group, chaired by Mariano Sanz (EFP) and David Beighton (ORCA), reviewed the ecological interactions in the dental biofilm in health and disease, the role of microbial communities in the pathogenesis of periodontitis and caries and the innate host response in caries and periodontal diseases.
One of the main findings was that the biofilm is an essential component involved in the development of caries and periodontal diseases. As a result, understanding the composition and inter-microbial interactions is fundamental in developing effective preventive and therapeutic measures.
In the same way, knowledge of the microbe-host interactions involved in the maintenance of oral health and the initiation and progression of both dental caries and periodontal diseases is key to improving preventive strategies and designing new strategies to improve oral health.
- Chairmen: Mariano Sanz, David Beighton
- Review papers:
Dental plaque biofilm: ecological interactions in health and disease (by Egija Zaura & Philip Marsh)
Role of microbial communities in the pathogenesis of periodontitis and caries (by Alex Mira & Mike Curtis)
The innate host response in caries and periodontal disease, Part 1: the role of tissues and cellular players (by Mark Herztberg & Jörg Meyle)
The innate host response in caries and periodontal disease, Part 2: functional fluids and effector molecules (by Mark Herztberg & Jörg Meyle)
- Reviewers: Egija Zaura, Alex Mira, Mark Herzberg, Philip Marsh, Mike Curtis, Jörg Meyle
- Participants: Irene Dige, Svante Twetman, Jaime Cury, Rodrigo Giacaman, Eric Reynolds, Andrea Mombelli, David Herrera, Eija Könönen, Marc Quirynen, Lior Shapira
- Colgate representative: Irina Chivu
- Staff member: Ana Molina
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