Future Perio Master Clinics
EFP Perio Master Clinic 2023

Call for Videos
Dear Colleagues,
The organizing committee of the EFP Perio Master Clinic 2023: Perio-ortho synergy opens the stage for you to present your case pitch!
We are calling for max. 3min long video’s MPEG format. In this video you briefly present your case in English.
Requested case pitches are on the following 6 topics:
1) Orthodontic treatment in periodontally compromised patients
2) Periodontal regeneration and orthodontics
3) Muco-gingival surgery in orthodontically treated patients (impacted tooth periodontal management)
4) Implantology in orthodontics, dealing with agenesis
5) Orthodontic digital planning
6) Accelerated orthodontics
(use of mini screws/plates/implant/piezocision/corticotomies)
Please send in your video before March 1st 2022 to the EFP European co-ordinator (monica@efp.org), in the attention of the PMC committee.
Selection of the cases (1 per topic) will be made by the PMC scientific committee based on the quality of the case and the lecture.
You will be informed on your selection in April 2022. If selected you will be invited to present your case in a 15 min time frame life on the 4th EFP Perio Master Clinic in Antwerp on March 3-4 ,2023 in Antwerp, Belgium and your registration to the conference will be for free.
We are looking forward to your contribution,
Virginie Monnet-Corti Peter Garmyn
Scientific Chair PMC 2023 Conference chair