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5 June 2023

A new issue of Perio Life, the EFP Alumni magazine, is out!

Categories:Education, Institutional, Publications

Perio Life the EFP Alumni magazine

The latest issue of Perio Life is now online! The magazine of EFP Alumni is published twice a year and presents articles about (and by) alumni of the EFP-accredited postgraduate programme in periodontology. 

The fifth issue of Perio Life includes reports on:

  • EFP alumni attendance at Perio Master Clinic 2023 in Antwerp
  • 25 years of the EFP postgraduate programme
  • Clinical tips and tricks on regenerating hard and soft tissue

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the launch of the EFP-accredited programmes, Perio Life has interviewed Professor Moshe Goldstein who recently retired as chair of the federation’s postgraduate-education committee. Moshe talks to EFP Alumni chair Ed Madeley about the challenges and achievements of the last nine years, during which the number of universities teaching the EFP-accredited postgraduate programme has more than doubled.

Three alumni are also interviewed: Monique Danser, Chris Fok, and Spring Liu, who represent the earliest and latest generations of periodontists who received EFP-accredited postgraduate education.

Perio Life reports on the strong EFP alumni attendance at Perio Master Clinic 2023 in Antwerp. The EFP Alumni committee organised a “meet and greet” during the coffee break which provided a great opportunity for alumni of various generations to catch up.

Finally, EFP alumnus Simone Cortellini of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium explains a challenging case of regeneration of periodontal hard and soft tissue. Simone presents a combination of different techniques to achieve the best outcome in the aesthetic zone.

“This issue of Perio Life is a special one, celebrating 25 years of EFP accreditation and an acknowledgement of the achievements of our schools and alumni," said Ed Madeley. "We hope you read it and enjoy it. We are always happy to hear from our readers. Don’t hesitate to send us your suggestions for topics to cover in future issues of the magazine.”

Read Perio Life