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8 November 2022

Anton Sculean receives honorary membership of AAP

Categories:Events, Institutional

Honorary membership of the AAP is given to “individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the art and science of periodontology.” It is considered a significant honour as, in most years (including 2022), only one honorary membership is awarded.

The award was announced at the AAP’s annual meeting, which took place in Phoenix, Arizona, on October 27-30.

“I am deeply honoured to be awarded honorary membership of the American Academy of Periodontology and this recognition humbles me since only a few European periodontists have ever received this honour,” said Anton Sculean. “When you look at the line-up of the awardees in the last six decades, you recognise many of the giants of our field, without whom periodontology and implant dentistry would not be what it is today.”

Previous European periodontist recipients include Joerg Meyle (EFP president 2007-08, EFP treasurer 2013-19) in 2015, Uroš Skalerič (EFP president 2009-10) in 2002, Niklaus Lang (chair, European Workshop in Periodontology 1993-2005) in 1998, Sture Nyman (inventor of guided tissue regeneration and guided bone regeneration) in 1989, Jan Lindhe (editor of Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 1976-2004) in 1982, Hans Mühlemann (founding editor of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 1974-1976) in 1981, and Jens Waerhaug (Norwegian pioneer of modern periodontology) in 1974.

Prof. Sculean added that he looked forward to closer collaboration between the EFP and the AAP in his roles as scientific chair of International Perio Master Clinic 2023 (Léon, Mexico, 4-6 May 2023), and as congress chair of EuroPerio 11 (Vienna, Austria, May 14-17, 2025).

He will also be participating in the EFP’s Perio Master Clinic 2023 (Antwerp, Belgium, 3-4 March 2023), where he will give a presentation (with orthodontist Christos Katsaros) on the interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of gingival recession in post-orthodontic patients.