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31 May 2021

Book by June 3 for EFP-Osteology Foundation Live Surgery Day to benefit from discounted fee

Categories:Clinical Practice, Events

Book by June 3 for EFP-Osteology Foundation Live Surgery Day to benefit from discounted fee

The deadline for early registration for the live surgery day on 17 June organised by the EFP in collaboration with the Osteology Foundation is Thursday 3 June.

Early registration costs €40 (including VAT), but the fee rises to €60 for later bookings. Registration includes access to the live event and to the recordings of it.

The "Osteology-EFP Virtual Live Surgery Day" will feature surgery performed by Anton Sculean (EFP president 2018-19) and Andreas Stavropoulos (EFP president-elect) with presentations by keynote speakers Martina Stefanini and Frank Schwarz. The event will be moderated by Mariano Sanz and Giovanni Salvi.

The opening session, moderated by Mariano Sanz, focuses on the treatment of mandibular recessions. Martina Stefanini will talk about the possibilities and limits of recession coverage in the mandible and Anton Sculean will then perform live surgery to treat this problem.

In the second session, moderated by Giovanni Salvi, Frank Schwarz will explain the possibilities and limits of surgical treatment for peri-implantitis and Andreas Stavropoulos will perform live peri-implantitis surgery in the anterior zone.

Both sessions also include panel discussions with questions and answers.