12 February 2020
Case studies using new classification - focus of latest Perio Insight
Categories:Clinical Practice, Perio Insight, Science

The latest issue of Perio Insight, the EFP magazine that offers expert views on key issues in periodontology and implant dentistry, features clinical cases that apply the new classification of periodontal diseases and conditions.
These case studies show clinicians how to use the “decision trees” for staging and grading cases of periodontitis, applying them to existing patient cases that had been categorised under the previous (1999) classification.
The two studies published feature a case of generalised periodontitis, stage 1, grade B and another of generalised periodontitis, stage III, grade B. They provided a step-by-step guide to staging and grading, according to the 2017 “World Workshop” classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions.
These decision trees are part of the toolkit for clinicians on the new classification, which the EFP launched in April 2019 and which it continues to promote.
Perio Insight No. 12 also features a preview of the presentation that Péter Windisch – professor of periodontology at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary – will give at Perio Master Clinic 2020 in Dublin next month (March 6) on combined periodontal regeneration and vertical augmentation. Speaking in the session “Novel concepts: outlook for the future,” he will highlight the promise of the new alveolar-ridge procedure Extraction Site Development (XSD), which can be performed immediately after tooth extraction.
This issue of Perio Insight also features a pair of clinical cases presented at last year's EFP Postgraduate Symposium, and a summary of the recently published consensus report from the EFP and the World Heart Federation on the associations between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases.