The Czech Society of Periodontology held a two-day scientific meeting covering topics ranging from implants and interdisciplinary collaboration to bruxism and the psychological effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The “Periodontology Days”, with more than 130 participants, took place on October 22 and 23 in Ostrava.
On the first day, Jan Streblov explored interdisciplinary participation from the point of view of the periodontist, explaining the fundamental importance of dental hygiene and its maintenance.
Marta Murgašová gave a presentation on bruxism, explaining how multidisciplinary approaches should be applied to consider neuromuscular disorders, bite disorders, cervical bone disorders, and other factors. Both the causes of bruxism and bad habits needed to be addressed, she said, and a detailed dental examination was fundamental.
After leading Czech immunologist Vojtěch Thon (Brno) gave a lecture on immunological reactions to Covid-19, Jaroslav Černušák (Kralupy) explored how periodontology has evolved over the last 30 years and Pavel Poleník (Plzeň) analysed the intraoral and systemic effects of the consumption of red wine.
Immediate implants were the topic of a presentation by Pavel Barták, who discussed different approaches and used clinical cases to highlight some of the difficulties. This was followed by a talk on dysthmia (or persistent depressive disorder) by psychologist Jeroným Klimeš, who addressed the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the psychological aspects of bruxism.
The final two speakers were Peter Abelovsky on 3D alveolar reconstruction and Martin Starosta on dental implants versus auto-implants of teeth.
Michal Kania, a member of the board of the Czech Society of Periodontology, said that even though some scheduled speakers from outside the Czech Republic chose not to participate because of the Covid-19 situation, “the high level of presentations was maintained.”
The society’s next “Periodontology Days” meeting is scheduled for May 20 and 21 in Seč, East Bohemia.