9 March 2021
David Herrera to give EFP Perio Sessions webinar on subgingival instrumentation and adjunctive therapies
Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication, New Classification

David Herrera, chair of the EFP's workshop committee and scentific chair of EuroPerio10, will give a Perio Sessions webinar on Thursday 11 March on the second step of the EFP's S3-level Clinical Practice Guideline for the treatment of periodontitis in stages I, II, and III.
Prof Herrera, professor of periodontology at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain, will discuss the two main interventions of Stage 2 of periodontal therapy: subgingival instrumentation and adjunctive therapies.
The aim of the webinar, which takes place at 19.00 (CET), is to give participants an understanding of the importance and the process of developing a clinical practice guideline, to present the guideline's step-by-step approach to the treatment of periodontitis, and to evaluate the Guideline's recommendations for the subgingival instrumentation and adjunctive therapies of Step 2.
The webinar will be moderated by Spyros Vassilopoulos (assistant professor of periodontology, University of Athens, Greece) and registration, which includes a certificate, costs €35 (plus VAT).