Flag EFP

19 November 2021

Deadline for EuroPerio10 abstract submissions extended until November 29

Categories:Clinical Practice, EuroPerio, Events, Science

Deadline for EuroPerio10 abstract submissions extended until November 29

The deadline for submitting abstracts of research and clinical-report presentations for the research sessions at the EuroPerio10 congress in Copenhagen in June 2022 has been extended until Monday, November 29.

While many abstracts had been submitted by the original deadline of November 18, the extension will allow more researchers and clinicians to present their applications.

Mondial Congress & Events, the EFP’s professional conference organiser, said: “As submitting an abstract for EuroPerio10 is very popular within our community, we have decided to extend the abstract submission deadline. Therefore, everyone interested in submitting still gets a chance to be part of the world's leading congress in periodontology.”

Once the abstracts have been submitted, their topics will be identified and the abstracts will be sent to reviewers for consideration.

Selected abstracts will be presented at EuroPerio10 one of four formats: there will be a limited number of slots for oral presentations, with conventional or video format, while posters will be presented in poster discussion sessions, or as conventional posters.

Abstracts should be of no more than 300 words and applicants can choose between research presentations and clinical-report presentations. Abstracts can be submitted on a wide range of topics in periodontology and periodontics, and in dental implants and peri-implant diseases. A full list of acceptable topics and details of the abstract-submission process can be found at the EuroPerio10 section of the EFP website.

Successful applicants will be notified by Monday 14 February 2022 and will have until Wednesday 2 March to register for EuroPerio10, which takes place at the Bella Center in Copenhagen on June 15-18, 2022.