The Dutch Society of Periodontology (NVvP) devoted its spring conference to the topic of the close relationship between periodontology and endodontology.
More than 300 dentists, periodontists, endodontists and dental hygienists attended the “Inside Out” congress, held in Nieuwegein, near Utrecht, on April 5.
They heard Michiel de Cleen, an endodontist from Amsterdam, emphasise the importance of reaching a correct diagnosis of combined perio-endo problems – which, he explained, can sometimes be challenging – to be able to offer predictable and optimal results.
Paul Lambrechts (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium) discussed external cervical resorption (ECR) lesions, presenting histological and radiographic data and explaining the progression of the disease as well as some possible aetiological causes. Unfortunately, ECR is still difficult to treat and mostly results in extraction.
Bettina Dannewitz (Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany) spoke about furcation involvement, which she described as the biggest risk factor after successful periodontal therapy and a major challenge, although one that can be met for most patients if the correct treatment plan and maintenance programme is followed.
EFP secretary general Nicola West (University of Bristol, UK) spoke about the incidence, difficulties in studying, and treatment of dentine hypersensitivity, showing that with the right patient management a great deal of relief can be provided.
The NVvP said that congress participants had reacted “very positively” to a programme that was practical as well as scientific, giving it an average score of 7.8 out of 10. The society is now preparing its autumn congress, “ParoNextGen”, which will take place on November 22 in Bussum.
New board
During the spring congress, the NVvP elected a new board. Monique Danser, president for the last six-and-a-half years, has stood down to focus on her new role as treasurer of the EFP, while Erik Blom, secretary for the last 7.5 years has also left the board. The new president is Ilara Zerbo, the new secretary is Bard Van Cruijsen, and Natasha Lioubavina-Hack has also joined the board as congress co-ordinator.
“The NVvP is extremely grateful for all that Monique has achieved in these years and wish her further success in the heavy but important task in the EFP,” said Dr Zerbo.