12 May 2022
EFP Alumni will hold special session at EuroPerio10

There will be a special session on the first day of EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen next month for members of EFP Alumni, the organisation that represents graduates of the EFP-accredited postgraduate programmes in periodontology.
The session will take place on Wednesday 15 May at 15.15 (CET) and will open with the lecture “Marketing management: understanding the patients” delivered by Carlo Gallucci, a world-leading expert in marketing. This lecture will focus on the patient and the importance of patient loyalty as the key to the success and sustainability of the dental office. Loyal patients prove to be more profitable, they do not wish to change their dentist, and their recommendations may help bring in new patients.
Prof. Gallucci is vice-rector of international relations and students at Ramon Llull University (URL) in Barcelona, Spain, and full professor of marketing at the Esade Business School-URL. He was educated in Italy, Spain, and the USA and has long experience in the health and dental sectors.
Immediately following the lecture, the EFP Alumni assembly will take place (between 16.15 and 16.45), during which a new board will be elected to serve for the next three years. Filippo Graziani, chair of EFP Alumni, invites alumni who are interested in standing for election to the board to put their names forward. All graduates of EFP-accredited programmes who hold the EFP diploma are eligible for election to the board and those interested in applying for election should send an email to fliippo.graziani@unipi.it, providing information about themselves together with some ideas for EFP Alumni.
EuroPerio10 will take place at the Bella Centre in Copenhagen on June 15 to 18. The deadline for regular-fee registrations is Wednesday, May 18, after which more expensive late or onsite registration fees applies.