EFP Alumni, the organization of graduates of EFP-accredited programmes in periodontology and members of faculty, will hold a get-together during next year’s Perio Master Clinic 2020 in Dublin.
On Thursday 5 March, the day before Perio Master Clinic’s main programme, members of EFP Alumni will come together for an informal social gathering.
This will be the first meeting of EFP Alumni since the inaugural meeting at EuroPerio9 in Amsterdam last year, which involved the innovative and successful Perio Talks session and a symposium.
Perio Master Clinic 2020 is devoted to current and future challenges of hard- and soft-tissue aesthetic reconstructions around teeth and dental implants.
Taking place on March 6 and 7, at the Royal Dublin Society, the event brings together many of the world’s leading clinicians who will explain the latest clinical techniques in one of the most challenging areas of periodontal practice.
The two-day event is preceded by a day of hands-on workshops in which participants will receive expert instruction on case selection, instrumentation, flap design, autogenous grafting techniques, the use of biomaterials, the use of barrier membranes, and suturing techniques.
Filippo Graziani, the EFP president who is also co-ordinator of EFP Alumni, said: “The EFP Alumni meet at each EFP event in order to give our community the opportunity to share important moments of growth and friendship.”
The organisers of EFP Alumni are now drawing up plans for a regular newsletter, through which members will be kept in touch with each other and their developing careers. The newsletter will seek to reinforce the community and share material of interest, such as the stories of individual alumni.
There are almost 400 members of EFP Alumni. Membership is open to graduates of EFP-accredited postgraduate programmes in periodontology, past or present teachers of these programmes, and members of the current or a previous EFP executive committee.
There are now 375 registered members of EFP Alumni, comprising 251 graduates, 98 teachers, and 26 executive-committee members. There are also 37 applications in process and 79 current students listed.