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10 September 2015

EFP holds biennial postgraduate symposium in Spain with wide range of international presentations


EFP holds biennial postgraduate symposium in Spain with wide range of international presentations

The EFP held its 6th Postgraduate Symposium between September 17 and 19 in the mountain town of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, near Madrid in Spain. This major three-day event takes place every two years at one of the 12 universities and research centres across Europe and the Middle East that teach EFP-accredited programmes in periodontology.

The EFP Postgraduate Symposium, sponsored by Procter & Gamble, is an EFP initiative which involves graduate and postgraduate students of all these accredited programmes, as well as their programme directors. It provides a special and unique opportunity to bring these students together to benefit from a high-level, EFP-developed scientific discourse.

The biennial event started on the evening of Thursday, September 17 at the Faculty of Odontology at Madrid’s Complutense University, where Moshe Goldstein, chairman of the EFP’s postgraduate-education committee, welcomed participants. Mariano Sanz (chair of Periodontology at the Complutense University) gave an introduction and an opening lecture.

After a tapas dinner at the university, a bus took everybody to the EuroForum centre in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, where the main business of the symposium took place on the Friday and Saturday.

There were 12 sessions over the two days, with presentations from postgraduate students at universities and research centres in Belgium, France, Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK.

The sessions were moderated by professors of the accredited programmes. On Friday, the moderators were Mariano Sanz (Spain), Ubele van der Velden (Netherlands), Marc Quirynen (Belgium), Lior Shapira (Israel), Henri Tenenbaum (France), and Giovanni Salvi (Switzerland).

On the Saturday, it was the turn of Pierre Bouchard (France), Ingemar Abrahamsson (Sweden), Nikos Donos (UK), Eli Machtei (Israel), Ioannis Polyzois (Ireland), and Selçuk Yilmaz (Turkey) to moderate the sessions.

The symposium closed with a farewell dinner at Mesón La Cueva, a restaurant whose origins date back to the 18th century and which specialises in traditional Castilian food.

You can see here a selection of photos of the symposium.