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31 March 2022

EFP holds first in-person general assembly in three years


EFP holds first in-person general assembly in three years

The general assembly, preceded by the half-yearly meeting of the executive committee and other committee meetings, took place in Vienna, Austria, on 26 March.

Key points from the meetings were: 

  • The EFP launched the “Help Ukraine” donation campaign to raise to help the Ukrainian people by delivering urgent health care to people in Ukraine and to refugees from the war.
  • The Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology became a full member of the EFP, having been an associate member since 2017 and thus having completed its five-year probationary period.
  • Andreas Stavropoulos (Sweden) succeeded Lior Shapira (Israel) as EFP president.
  • Secretary general Nicola West (UK) and treasurer Monique Danser (Netherlands) were respectively confirmed in their posts for second three-year terms.
  • Spyros Vassilopoulos (Greece) was elected as the new elected member of the executive committee. Dr Vassilopoulos thus joins the “presidential ladder” and will become EFP president for 2025-26. He is currently a member of the EuroPerio10 committee and was chair of the ambassador programme for EuroPerio9 (Amsterdam, 2018). In addition, he has chaired various Perio Talks sessions on EFP Virtual.
  • Bettina Dannewitz (Germany) became the new chair of the communications committee, succeeding Tiernan O’Brien (Ireland) who chaired the committee since 2016.
  • Nikos Donos, director of the EFP-accredited postgraduate programme at UCL Eastman Dental Institute in London (UK), was elected as chair of the postgraduate education committee and will take up this post in March 2023, succeeding Moshe Goldstein (Israel) who has chaired the committee since 2014.
  • Andreas Stavropoulos (Sweden) – EFP president for 2022-23 – also became chair of the scientific affairs committee, taking over from Phoebus Madianos (Greece).
  • The EFP’s Eminence in Periodontology Award was given to Iain Chapple (UK), who has served the EFP in many capacities including secretary general (2016-19), treasurer (2007-13), and chair of the scientific affairs committee (2013-16). The Distinguished Scientist Award was given to Henri Tenenbaum (France) who was the director of the EFP accredited postgraduate programme in periodontology at the University of Strasbourg (2010-19), and the Distinguished Service Award was given to Joerg Meyle, former EFP treasurer (2013-19) and president (2007-08).

“When I became EFP president, my wish was that my year would be ‘return to normal’ and, despite the difficulties, I insisted on having an in-person general assembly, which was more than successful!” said Lior Shapira. “One of the important events during the GA was the launch of an EFP donation campaign to support the medical need of the Ukrainian people and their refugees (in collaboration with WHO Foundation). 

“We also launched the commemorative magazine on the EFP’s 30th anniversary and promoted EuroPerio10 – already 6,000 people are registered for the congress!  It was an honour and pleasure to serve the EFP national societies as president, and I look forward to seeing everyone in Copenhagen during EuroPerio 10.”

“I am so pleased that this year we returned to a face-to-face GA meeting and could greet everyone in person,” said EFP secretary general Nicola West. “While online meetings have their place in our sustainability strategy, face-to-face meetings are essential for our business to operate, creating energy, warmth, and friendship, which cannot be underestimated.

“The pandemic has made the world realise the importance of human contact. Touch and displays of warmth are crucial to our survival, and throughout the whole meeting you could feel a wonderful ambient atmosphere of EFP friendship.”

She added: “I feel honoured and privileged to be given the opportunity to serve the EFP as secretary general for a second term and thank everyone for their confidence and support.”

New president Andreas Stavropoulos commented: “All GA delegates were very pleased to finally have a meeting IRL (“in real life”) and meet friends from all Europe, and beyond. There was a very nice atmosphere during the entire GA business meeting. The few sensitive issues were debated in a very respectful and friendly way, according to the EFP family spirit.”