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16 December 2021

EFP is named ‘European Association of the Year’




A few days after celebrating its 30th anniversary, the EFP was named as the “European Association of the Year” in the International & European Association Awards Competition 2021.

The judges who made the award said “This sector experienced unique sets of challenges during the pandemic and this organisation (EFP)  appears to have met them head on. Successful overall achievements. Well done!”

The European Association of the Year award was one of various awards announced on December 15 by the Association of Association Executives, which supports executives of associations “to increase the value and effectiveness of membership, events, products and services and the strength and influence of their organisation, as well as their personal and professional skills and competencies.”

The other finalists for the award given to the EFP were Eurelectric (which represents the electricity industry at the European level) and the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association.

 “During 2021, we worked hard in uncertain conditions due to the pandemic,” said EFP president Lior Shapira. “This award is a certificate of excellence by an independent association, ratifying that we did well. It is a good time to thank our management team – Sharon, Mónica, and Cândice – for their unconditional support.”