31 January 2018
EFP launches global contest for single-case reports, with winner to be chosen at EuroPerio9

Periodontists and other dental professionals from across the world are invited to take part in a competition for the best single-case report that covers any aspect of periodontology, including dental implants, aesthetics, and interdisciplinary cases with a significant periodontal component.
The best cases will be presented at the EuroPerio9 congress in Amsterdam in June, where the winner will be chosen.
Would-be competitors in Perio Contest 2018 are asked to provide case documentation that includes all relevant diagnostics, appropriate step-by-step illustration, the scientific or clinical rationale for the treatment plan and its execution, and a final assessment.
An evaluation committee whose members includes Søren Jepsen, scientific chair of the EuroPerio9 organising committee, and Maurizio Tonetti, editor of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology will choose the 10 best cases.
In making their evaluation, the committee will apply the following criteria: initial situation, final result, grading of difficulty, operative sequence, documentation and scientific evidence.
These cases will then be submitted to an online poll that will choose the three finalists, who will each present their cases at a dedicated session on the final day of EuroPerio9 (Saturday, June 23).
The winner will be chosen from these three through a composite score obtained from a live poll carried out at the session and input from the evaluation committee.
According to the competition’s rules, submissions should comprise between three and 50 images in JPEG or PNG format (each image may include more than one photograph) and a brief textual description in English.
In administering this competition, the EFP and the EuroPerio9 organising committee are collaborating with Zerodonto, an Italian dentistry blog.
Cases should be posted, between April 1 and April 30 on a special Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/zerodonto) using the hashtag #periocontest2018. Alternatively, they can be sent by email to zerodonto@gmail.com.
The winner of the contest will receive a 3D printer provided by Straumann, while the three finalists will receive free registration for EuroPerio9 and a travel grant. The top 10 cases will be published on the EFP website.
The members of the evaluation committee will be Maurizio Tonetti, Søren Jepsen, Diego Velasquez, Pierpaolo Cortellini, Rony Jung, Tomohiro Ishikawa, and Otto Zuhr.