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29 March 2019

EFP launches Perio Review, an annual report on activities

Categories:Communication, Institutional

EFP launches Perio Review, an annual report on activities

The EFP has published the first edition of a new annual magazine, Perio Review, which provides a report on the activities of the federation over the last year.

Covering the year between the 2018 general assembly in Vienna and this year’s assembly in Bern, Perio Reviewincludes articles about the new “global EFP” that is symbolised by the arrival of international associate members from across the world.

The magazine, which replaces the twice-yearly EFP News, also features reports on EuroPerio9, Perio Master Clinic 2019, and on the success of European Gum Health Day 2018.

There are also articles about the toolkit on the new classification of periodontal diseases and conditions, on Perio Workshop 2018 on bone regeneration, and on the EFP’s projects with its partners, including the Perio & Diabetes project launched in November last year and the Perio & Cardio Workshop held in February.

There is a two-page round-up of the activities of the EFP-affiliated national societies and the issue concludes with new EFP president Filippo Graziani looking ahead to the key events and activities the federation is organising over the next 12 months.

Joanna Kamma, editor of Perio Review and the EFP’s contents editor, said: "Communication with all its members head the list of priorities for the EFP as it goes global. Perio Review is the annual publication informing about all the activities of the federation and the perio world. We hope you enjoy it."