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10 July 2020

EFP launches ‘Perio Talks’ on Instagram with Iain Chapple discussing new guidelines on periodontal therapy

Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication, Science

EFP launches ‘Perio Talks’ on Instagram with Iain Chapple discussing new guidelines on periodontal therapy

The EFP is launching EFP Perio Talks, a series of live sessions on Instagram where leading periodontists will discuss key topics in science and clinical practice.

Launching the initiative on Tuesday 14 July, Iain Chapple (University of Birmingham, UK; former EFP secretary general) will discuss the EFP’s soon-to-be-published guidelines on periodontal therapy with Bruno de Carvalho (University of Liège, Belgium; EFP Alumni committee).

The conversation will focus on the S3-level clinical practice guideline (S3 CPG) on therapy for periodontitis (stages I, II, and III) which is soon to be published in an open-access supplement of the EFP’s Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

These first-ever evidence-based guidelines for treating periodontitis are the fruit of last November’s EFP-led Perio Workshop 2019, where 90 experts from 19 countries evaluated 15 systematic reviews on different forms of periodontal therapy.

It provides evidence-based recommendations for therapy in relation to the first three stages of periodontitis, according to the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions. A guideline for stage-IV periodontitis is due to be developed at Perio Workshop 2020 in November.


This first Perio Talks session takes place at 19.00 (CET) and will be interactive, so viewers will be able to use Instagram to ask questions.

Through Perio Talks, the EFP aims to bring expert views on periodontal science and clinical practice to a wide audience via social media.

This project follows the use of Instagram Live for an interview with Gum Health Day 2020 co-ordinator Andreas Stavropoulos on 12 May to mark this year’s periodontal-health awareness day, and another session on the platform 8 May in which Filippo Graziani (EFP president 2019-20) explained the federation’s Covid-19 safety suggestions for dental practitioners.

The talks are open to everyone and the EFP recommends following the federation on Instagram (@perioeurope) to be able to access them and to be informed of future sessions.

All EFP Perio Talks will take place on Tuesdays at 19.00 (CET) and the plan is to hold one such live Instagram session every month.

“This latest initiative from the EFP aims to use our popular social media channels to bring meaningful messages to our global periodontal community,” said Tiernan O’Brien, chair of the EFP communications committee. “The first talk promises to be a lively session with two outstanding conversationalists who will deliver a first-hand insight into the new guidelines.  We are excited to see this series develop and grow.”