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3 June 2022

EFP launches Perio Talks podcasts with focus on EuroPerio10

Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication, Education, EuroPerio

EFP launches Perio Talks podcasts with focus on EuroPerio10

The first podcast focuses on EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen, Denmark, which starts on Wednesday, June 15. Bruno de Carvalho, who will be the regular Perio Talks host, discusses plans for the congress with Phoebus Madianos, David Herrera, and Nicola West (respectively the chair, scientific chair, and treasurer of EuroPerio10).

Phoebus Madianos explains why EuroPerio is the “best congress in periodontology and implant dentistry”, with “130 of the best speakers in the whole world from 31 different countries” and a programme that covers “every topic of periodontology and implant dentistry from etiopathogenesis to the most advanced surgical techniques of today.”

David Herrera goes into detail about the main scientific programme which features 40 different sessions over the four days of the congress, held in parallel in four large halls. He highlights the three live-surgery sessions and the “world premiere” of EFP’s soon-to-be-published clinical practice guideline on the treatment of stage IV periodontitis, as well as the four sessions about the implementation of the previous guideline for stages I-III.

Nicola West outlines how EuroPerio10 has addressed the challenge of sustainability, and the “ambitious” approach adopted, which includes free public-transport passes for all registered participants, locally sourced food, and the choice of the keynote speaker on the opening day – the “impressive” Katherine Richardson Christensen, who was chair of the Danish commission on climate change policy and is professor in biological oceanography at the University of Copenhagen and leader of the university’s Sustainability Science Centre.

A new format

The EFP has launched Perio Talks in podcast format as a new communication channel to delivering high-quality interviews and discussions about scientific topics in periodontology and implant dentistry featuring international experts from within the EFP and its member societies.

Aimed at a global audience of periodontists, dentists, and other oral-health professionals, the EFP will release one new Perio Talks podcast every month. The podcasts are hosted on Anchor.fm and available on the Spotify and Apple Podcasts platforms (with others to be added later).

The aim is to reach a global audience in an attractive format, as the podcasts can be listened to at anytime, anywhere and on different platforms. 

The content will be largely science-based and will include discussions of clinical cases and challenges faced by periodontal practitioners, articles published in the EFP’s Journal of Clinical Periodontology, and the EFP’s clinical-practice guidelines. There will also be episodes with a practical focus related to topics such as the management of periodontal practices and the use of social media by clinicians.

Topics to be covered in the coming months include periodontal regeneration, the financial and human costs of gum disease, and oral health and sports.

“Podcasts are a natural progression of the way content is being shared online and they have risen in popularity enormously in recent years – they are a perfect supplement to the EFP’s virtual educational programme,” said Bettina Dannewitz, chair of the EFP communications committee.

“Listening to podcasts is a great way to learn and grow. But the best part about them is that you can catch up with high-value scientific content whenever you want and wherever you are. Just sit back and listen to our experts offering interesting debates and being up-to-date with current trends and improvements in periodontology.