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19 October 2022

EFP launches ‘Responsible Periodontology’ logo for national societies


The EFP is taking its commitment to sustainability a stage further with the launch of its “Responsible Periodontology” logo, which can be used by the federation’s 37 national societies of periodontology within their own sustainability initiatives.

The idea is that the logo indicates a commitment to the values of sustainability, as expressed in the EFP’s Sustainability Manifesto, which was launched in 2020.

The new “Responsible Periodontology” logo expresses the EFP’s commitment to the dental community that all its activities — from promoting disease prevention and healthy lifestyles to its events, educational programmes, and campaigns — will be carried out ethically, with respect, and ensuring that all voices count.

National societies will be encouraged to use the logo on the sustainability pages of their websites, if they already have them (and to create such pages if not), and in all campaigns related to the prevention of gum disease and sustainability.

“We are constantly striving to engage our national societies, partners, and stakeholders to learn, understand, and adopt responsible and sustainable attitudes and practices,” said EFP secretary general Nicola West.

She said that “responsible periodontology” meant that periodontal therapy is used only when necessary and that the choice of periodontal therapy is appropriate, based on what is proven by scientific and/or clinical evidence to be most effective and least likely to cause harm.

Examples of responsible periodontology, which could be endorsed by the EFP logo, would include:

  • The promotion of disease prevention and healthy lifestyles to all patients.
  • Periodontal practices promoting the use of public transport by their staff and patients.
  • Encouraging people to turn off the tap when brushing their teeth.
  • Educating the dental team on sustainable actions.
  • Respecting and striving for diversity and equality.

At this stage, the EFP is providing the logo to be used appropriately by its national societies; at a later stage, the logo would be made available for individual members of the societies to use in their practices and on their websites.

Both Responsible Periodontology and the Sustainability Manifesto have been drawn up in line with the sustainable development goals (SDG) established by the United Nations in 2015 and sustainable corporate governance (SDC).

Responsible Periodontology and Sustainability