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29 September 2021

EFP marks World Heart Day

Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication, Science

EFP marks World Heart Day

The EFP marked World Heart Day on 29 September by stressing the scientific evidence on the links between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases and highlighting its Perio & Cardio campaign, which was launched in September 2020.

This campaign, a collaboration between the EFP and the World Heart Federation (WHF), promotes awareness of the important links between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases, explaining how these two diseases can be fought together.

It includes recommendations aimed at oral-health professionals, doctors and pharmacists, and patients and the public, a series of infographics, animations in eight languages, and a scientific report.

All the material is based on the consensus outcomes of the Perio-Cardio Workshop held by the EFP and the World Heart Federation in Madrid in February 2019. Both the campaign and the workshop have been made possible thanks to an unrestricted grant from Dentaid.