14 December 2020
EFP Perio Talks on halitosis postponed until early 2021
Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication

As a result of unforeseen circumstances, the talk due to be given by Indian periodontist Kavitha Seerangaiyan about halitosis in the next EFP Perio Talks session on Tuesday 15 December has been postponed until the new year.
Details of the rescheduled Instagram Live (@perioeurope) talk – in which Dr Serrangaiyan will discuss with Hady Haririan (junior officer, EFP European project committee) what oral-health professionals can do to help patients with halitosis – will be provided as soon as possible.
A member of the International Association for Halitosis Research, she is the lead author of an article on halitosis published last month in the EFP magainze Perio Insight.