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8 March 2022

EFP receives 14 applications for new award for digital innovation in gum health

Categories:Clinical Practice, Institutional

The EFP’s new annual award for innovation in digital solutions for gum health has received 14 applications from Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, and Asia.

Financially supported by GSK, one of the EFP’s partners, the EFP Innovation Award for Digital Solutions for Gum Health rewards digital innovation that will contribute to gum health worldwide. The prize was launched with the aim of encouraging research and is open to all members of EFP-affiliated national societies of periodontology.

Applications were invited for innovations in digital technology in three areas: applications and devices for the public to improve periodontal health and prevent gum inflammation, technology to help dentists diagnose or improve the gum health of their patients, and innovations for periodontal researchers that will enhance the quality of studies about gum health.

Several of the applications involve the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to assist periodontists in diagnosing and monitoring periodontal disease, while others are aids to help patients improve their gum health. Projects include AI-based tools to detect radiographic bone loss, to monitor periodontal inflammation, and to assist in the staging and grading of periodontitis cases.

Applicants for the award come from candidates in 12 countries: India, Israel (two applications), Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Singapore, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the UK (two applications), and the USA.

The entries are now being evaluated by a judging panel that comprises Phoebus Madianos (chair, scientific affairs committee), Moshe Goldstein (chair, postgraduate education committee), David Herrera (chair, workshop committee), Andreas Stavropoulos (deputy chair, scientific affairs committee and EFP president-elect).

Three prizes will be awarded, with a first prize of €10,000, a second prize of €6,000, and a third prize of €4,000.