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12 April 2019

EFP’s new members will be active players on Gum Health Day

Category:Gum Health Day

EFP’s new members will be active players on Gum Health Day

The new international associate members of the EFP, who joined the federation at the end of March, will be active on May 12 with events to celebrate Gum Health Day 2019.

The Argentinian Society of Periodontology will display banners and hold live demonstrations at dental hospitals and universities, where it will also provide information to patients. The society will run a month-long communication campaign for the general population, including an educational leaflet with instructions about oral health.

The Brazilian Society of Periodontology started to spread the word about Gum Health Day via social media during March and will place emphasis on the awareness day during the XXVIII Brazilian Periodontology Congress, which takes place on May 3.

The Lebanese Society of Periodontology will promote the material produced by the EFP for Gum Health Day on its website and social media (Facebook, Instagram) and will translate video material into Arabic and French (both audio and subtitles). It will promote material with local NGOs and also hold a press conference.

The Mexican Society of Periodontology will share the infographics and videos via social media and publish material in the two weeks leading up to May 12.

The Taiwanese Society of Periodontology will translate the posters, invite medical centres from across the country to participate, and will hold press conferences.

Lior Shapira, co-ordinator of Gum Health Day 2019, praised these initiatives from the new members. “We welcome the new international members to the EFP – it is an honour for us,” he said. “The European Federation is getting global and attract new societies from all round the world. Gum Health day is growing and spreading more every year.”