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22 June 2021

EFP’s YouTube channel now has more than 5,000 subscribers


The EFP’s channel on YouTube, used to share videos about gum health and to promote the work of the federation and its affiliated national societies of periodontology, has passed the milestone of 5,000 subscribers.

The number of subscribers has almost doubled over the last year, and much of the increase in both subscriptions and viewing of the channel can be attributed to the release of professionally produced animations in a range of languages and new videos with a strong scientific tone.

The three most popular videos on the EFP YouTube channel are the humorous animations produced for this year’s Gum Health Day. The video explaining how sensitive teeth can be a consequence of gum disease has received more than 30,000 views, while the one on the relationship between bad breath and gum disease has been viewed more than 20,000 times, and the one on loose teeth as a sign of gum disease almost 9,000 times.

Other popular videos on the channel include the animations created for the Perio & Cardio, Perio & Caries, and Oral Health & Pregnancy awareness campaigns, as well as the video series on the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions.

There are now more than 560 videos on the channel, which was launched in November 2012, with many of them grouped together in playlists. There are now 44 playlists, so subscribers and visitors can more easily navigate the footage available.

Overall, in the last year there have been more than 268,000 views of EFP videos on YouTube which amounts to more than 7,850 hours of viewing.

Subscribers come from more than 50 countries from all around the world and, as might be expected of a channel in which most material is in English, a large proportion of viewers come from English-speaking countries. There are significant numbers of subscribers in various countries not only in Europe but also in Asia, the Americas, and Australasia.

Subscription to the EFP YouTube channel is free and allows subscribers to be notified of the latest EFP videos as soon as they are published.

“The global scope of the EFP is faithfully noticeable also in the geographic origin of the viewers of our YouTube videos, coming from all continents and with the growing importance of Asia and the Americas,” said Tiernan O’Brien, chair of the EFP’s communication committee. “In particular, we are proud to see the enormous impact our videos are having outside Europe, including areas where the EFP has traditionally had a modest tracking, such as India, North America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.”

“The growth of our subscriber base and their consumption of our videos have skyrocketed over the last year as we are adding better-quality videos and animations to our YouTube channel – and adding them more often than was the case before,” noted Santi Quiñones, the EFP’s communication coordinator. “Today the average time spent viewing our videos is one minute and 45 seconds – practically the same duration as in 2013, which is remarkable given the general trend to shorter videos and less patient viewers. The secret to this success is the increasing quality and relevance of our footage to our subscribers.”