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14 February 2023

Enter the Gum Health Day photo contest

Categories:Communication, Gum Health Day

Join the EFP photo contest

To all talented dental photographers out there: submit your work to the EFP Photo Contest for Gum Health Day 2023 and win a free registration to EuroPerio 11. Submissions must relate to this year’s slogan “Healthy gums look good on you! Protect them!”

How to participate? Upload your photos on Instagram using these three hashtags: #GumHealthDay #EFPerio #ProtectYourGums and remember to tag @perioeurope. You must be a member of an EFP national society to take part in the contest. Participants may submit multiple photographs. Any image showing healthy gums or relating to periodontology or treatment that aims to keep gums in good shape will also be accepted.

The ten pictures with the most “likes” on Instagram will be judged by an internal committee and the winning images will be communicated by 31 May 2023.

Our three winners, will receive:

·  EuroPerio11 registration (any expense related to accommodations, flights, meals and transport are excluded)

·  The opportunity to have their photos published and credited wherever possible, in upcoming EFP publications

Gum Health Day is the EFP’s annual gum-health awareness campaign. This year we will focus on gum care as a vital component of a healthy lifestyle and overall wellbeing. 

The deadline for photo entries is 12 May 2023. Start clicking … and good luck!

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