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10 June 2021

EuroPerio Sessions kick-off event offered insight into mucogingival surgery around teeth and implants

Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication, EuroPerio

EuroPerio Sessions kick-off event offered insight into mucogingival surgery around teeth and implants

The EuroPerio Series  – interactive online educational sessions with world leaders in periodontology and implant dentistry – got under way on Saturday, June 5 with a free “kick-off event” focused on mucogingival surgery around teeth and implants.

The EuroPerio Series is designed to keep the global perio community up to date with the latest research findings and provide a taster of what is to come at EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen in June 2022.

Saturday’s event was screened live online from the Bella Centre in Copenhagen, the venue for EuroPerio10, and was moderated by members of the congress’s organising committee: Phoebus Madianos (chair), David Herrera (scientific chair), and Nicola West (treasurer).

Six expert speakers presented case studies on mucogingival surgery around teeth and implants, and there was audience voting on how to resolve the specific problems and panel discussions.

Nelson Carranza (Argentina), Massimo de Sanctis (Italy), and Ion Zabalegui (Spain) presented challenging cases involving mucogingival surgery around teeth in the aesthetic area. France Lambert (Belgium) discussed a case involving immediate implants, Francesco Cairo (Italy) focused on the management of hard and soft tissues in a case of delayed implants, and Giovanni Zucchelli (Italy) highlighted the management of aesthetic complications.

About 4,000 people from more than 100 countries registered for the free online event and there were around 1,300 unique users. In addition, extensive social-media coverage of the proceedings was provided on Instagram by Bruno de Carvalho, one of the EFP's junior officers.

"This kick-off event of the EuroPerio virtual series somehow managed to sum
up the reasons why EuroPerio10 will be the most relevant and important
congress for all dental professionals," said Phoebus Madianos. "Being true to the EuroPerio legacy,
it was well organised, highly educational, fresh, innovative and discussed
the rationale and science behind the decision-making process, both in
diagnosis and treatment planning for the management of mucogingival problems
around teeth and implants"

"With the launch of the virtual EuroPerio Series we intend to offer high-level education to the global perio community and keep the excitement to pass the extra year before physically meeting in Copenhagen in June 2022," said Mondial Congress & Events, the EFP's professional conference organiser. "At the same time, virtual education has the potential to reach new participant groups all around the globe, inform them about EFP activities, and maybe convince them to attend EuroPerio themselves."

Mondial said that one third of the participants in the kick-off event had never previously attended an EFP meeting and that "we are very glad about this outcome and excited about the potential for our community to further increase."





From September 2021 to March 2022, there will be EuroPerio Sessions on the second Monday of every month from 18.00 to 20.00 (CET), with a registration fee per session of €35 (free for people who have previously registered for EuroPerio10). The seven sessions will cover important topics in periodontology and implant dentistry: (1) bone regeneration, (2) orthodontic treatment in stage IV periodontitis, (3) periodontal diseases and systemic diseases, (4) innovations in adjunctive treatments in step 2 of periodontal therapy, (5) innovations in the surgical management of peri-implant diseases, (6) personalised medicine, (7) new concepts and approaches in periodontal regeneration.