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31 August 2020

EuroPerio10 congress will take place in 2022

Categories:EuroPerio, Events, Institutional

The EuroPerio10 congress will take place in 2022 rather than June 2021, after the EFP and the congress organising committee decided to postpone the event in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a letter to the EFP’s 37 affiliated national societies of periodontology, EFP president Xavier Struillou, secretary general Nicola West, and EuroPerio10 chair Phoebus Madianos said that decision to postpone the EFP’s showcase congress was taken because “the current Covid-19 situation looks unlikely to have resolved substantially by June 2021.”

“On balance, we expect the situation to be significantly better by June 2022,” they said, highlighting the importance of the triennial EuroPerio congress to both the EFP and its member societies. “The EuroPerio10 committee strongly feels that postponing the event for 2022 will considerably increase the chances for a successful meeting, worthy of its tradition and future expectations.”

EuroPerio10 will now be scheduled for spring or summer 2022 at the Bella Centre, Scandinavia’s largest multifunctional event venue. The final dates will be communicated as soon as they are confirmed.

To mitigate the effect of postponing the congress, the EFP and its professional congress organiser Mondial Congress & Events are developing a pre-EuroPerio10 online platform, to launch in spring 2021, which will provide educational content and interactive sessions.