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18 June 2022

EuroPerio10 ends with closing session on the scientific impact of EuroPerio and a look towards Vienna in 2025

Categories:Clinical Practice, EuroPerio, Events, Science

On the final day of EuroPerio10, five sessions are scheduled in the main programme, four of them in parallel, followed by the long-awaited closing session – an event that has always been special at the EuroPerio congresses.

The closing session in the Bella Center’s plenary hall (11.00-12.30 CEST) will have the title The scientific impact of EuroPerio.

“I have the privilege to chair the tenth edition of the EuroPerio congress and, somehow, we will pay the tribute in our closing session to the previous nine EuroPerios,” said EuroPerio10 chair Phoebus Madianos.

Nicola West, EuroPerio10 treasurer and secretary general of EFP, added that “another round number is the 30 years of the European Federation of Periodontology, so there are plenty of things to celebrate.”

The closing session will present science and knowledge on the hottest topics in periodontology and implant dentistry in what the organisers describe as “a distinct, dynamic, and attractive format.”

Immediately after this session, the closing ceremony will take place, including the presentation of various EFP awards and a look ahead to the next triennial congress, EuroPerio11 in Vienna in 2025, featuring its organising committee including chair Anton Sculean (Switzerland), scientific chair Lior Shapira (Israel), and treasurer Elena Figuero (Spain).

Final four sessions

Before the ceremony takes place, there will be the final four scientific sessions of the congress:

  • A clinical-video session covering critical factors in surgical design for the treatment of multiple recession defects in the aesthetic maxilla. This session will use clinical videos to explore topics including flap design, biomaterials, and connective-tissue grafts, and the audience will be able to participate in a discussion on the decision-making process of a difficult case.
  • The session Surgical protocols in implant dentistry after tooth extraction: When do we place the implant, which aims to help clinicians identify the relevant local and anatomical factors before and after tooth extraction that may affect implant placement.
  • A multi-/interdisciplinary session on the systemic factors that may affect periodontitis, including masticatory function, eating disorders, physical activity, and neurodegeneration.
  • A hygiene and prevention session focused on risk-factor control in periodontology, following the EFP clinical practice guideline, assessing factors such smoking cessation and diabetes control.

Looking back

As the tenth EuroPerio comes to an end, scientific chair David Herrera said that its aim of improving the knowledge and competences of dentists, periodontists, dental hygienists, and other health professionals, in order to improve oral and gum health in their patients, had been achieved.

“First of all, clinical techniques and treatment approaches have been explained in detail, with live surgeries and sessions in which many clinical videos have been used,” he noted.

“In addition, different aspects related to prevention, the importance of controlling risk factors (such as smoking or diabetes), and the relevance of behavioural changes have been discussed. And finally, attendees have learnt how important gum health is, since poor gum health is associated with important systemic risks, such as cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and respiratory diseases”.