Flag EFP

9 March 2021

EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen will be held in June 2022

Categories:EuroPerio, Events

EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen will be held in June 2022

The dates for the postponed EuroPerio10 congress in Copenhagen have been announced. The EFP's showcase event, which brings together the periodontal world, will take place from June 15 to 18, 2022.

Originally due to be held in June this year, EuroPerio10 was postponed by the EFP and the event's organising committee because of the Covid-19 situation in order to ensure a successful congress.

“We, as the organising team of EuroPerio10, together with the EFP, recognised the need to act early and responsibly back in spring 2021 by postponing EuroPerio10 to 2022,” said Phoebus Madianos, chair of the organising committee.

“The health and safety of everyone involved is most essential to us: obviously at the congress itself, but also after delegates have returned home to their families or to work. We sincerely hope for Covid-19 to flatten out, for an increasing vaccination coverage rate during 2021, and consequently for a safe and successful EuroPerio10 in 2022 for everyone involved.”

Registration for the congress and abstract submissions will open in September.