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8 June 2022

EuroPerio10 – just one week to go

Categories:Clinical Practice, EuroPerio, Events, Science

The main scientific programme features 130 top speakers from 30 countries who will share their latest research and clinical techniques in 41 sessions taking place in four auditoria. Highlights include:

  • three live surgeries with expert clinicians demonstrating different techniques in mucogingival and bone-regenerative surgery.
  • the "world premiere" of the EFP's clinical practice guideline on treating stage IV periodontitis, about to be published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
  • four sessions on the implementation of the previous EFP guideline, on stages I-III periodontitis, which is having a major impact in improving patient care.
  • two “nightmare sessions” – one on periodontitis treatment, the other on dental implants – in which clinicians talk about surgeries and procedures that did not go according to plan and how they handled the resulting problems.
  • Interdisciplinary sessions involving both other medical specialities (cardiology, endocrinology, and neurology) and other dental disciplines (endodontics, orthodontics, prosthodontics, and digital dentistry).
  • A focus on sustainability, including the keynote speech on the opening day given by Professor Katherine Richardson Christensen, who chaired the Danish commission on climate-change policy.

In addition to the main scientific programme, there will be 24 sponsor sessions featuring 50 speakers, 120 abstracts presented as oral communications or videos, 200 abstracts presented as poster discussions, and a further 592 abstracts presented as posters.

“EuroPerio10 will be the best congress in periodontology and implant dentistry, covering everything from etiopathogenesis to the most advanced surgical techniques of today,” said congress chair Phoebus Madianos.

All registered participants receive access to the live streaming of all sessions in the main programme and three months on-demand access. There is still time to register to attend EuroPerio10 both in person and virtually. 

On Wednesday, June 15 at 12 noon (CET), there will be a press presentation, featuring EFP president Andreas Stavropoulos and members of the EuroPerio10 organising committee – Phoebus Madianos (chair), David Herrera (scientific chair), and Nicola West (treasurer) – which will be screened live on the EFP's YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram channels.