9 March 2018
EuroPerio9 will host global presentation of new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases
Categories:EuroPerio, Events, New Classification, Science

One of the key sessions at EuroPerio9 will be the formal presentation to the global periodontal and dental community of the new classification system for periodontal and peri-implant diseases.
The presentation of the outcomes of last November’s AAP/EFP World Workshop on Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions on Friday, June 22 is one of the most eagerly anticipated sessions at the Amsterdam congress.
One of the significant advances agreed by the Chicago workshop, in which 110 experts from the EFP, the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), and from all over the world reviewed the scientific evidence to develop a new classification, is that peri-implant diseases are included for the first time.
In addition, the challenging issue of the differentiation between chronic and aggressive periodontitis was addressed and resolved.
The session at EuroPerio9 – “News from the World Workshop on Classification” – will be chaired by Kenneth Kornman, editor-in-chief of the AAP’s Journal of Periodontology, and Maurizio Tonetti, editor of the EFP’s Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
The speakers will be drawn from the eight co-chairs of the workshop’s four working groups.
Iain Chapple will present the findings of Working Group 1 (Gingival Diseases), which considered papers on:
- Periodontal health;
- Plaque-induced gingival diseases;
- Non-plaque-induced gingival diseases;
- Case definitions and diagnostic considerations.
Panos Papapanou and Mariano Sanz will present the conclusions of Working Group 2 (Periodontitis), whose position papers covered:
- Acute forms of periodontitis;
- Chronic periodontitis;
- Early-onset periodontitis;
- Case definitions and diagnostic considerations.
Søren Jepsen will present the conclusions of Working Group 3 (Developmental and acquired conditions and periodontal manifestations of systemic diseases), which examined:
- Manifestations of systemic disease that affect the periodontal attachment apparatus, case definitions, and diagnostic considerations;
- Developmental and acquired conditions: mucogingival conditions, case definitions, and diagnostic considerations;
- Occlusal trauma and excessive occlusal forces;
- Tooth-related factors
Tord Berglundh will present the findings of Working Group 4 (Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions), which considered:
- Peri-implant health;
- Peri-implant mucositis;
- Peri-implantitis;
- Soft-tissue and hard-tissue deficiencies;
- Case definitions and diagnostic considerations.
“For the first time ever, we have been able to stage a true world workshop on classification and we are confident that the outcomes will be embraced by the global dental and periodontal community”, said Søren Jepsen, scientific chair of the EuroPerio9 organising committee.
The outcomes of the World Workshop – including the 19 background papers and four consensus reports – will be published in May simultaneously in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and the Journal of Periodontology.
The World Workshop was the second joint workshop held by the two organisations, following the 2012 workshop in Spain on periodontitis and systemic diseases. That event has proven to be a major milestone in the evolution of the understanding of the links between periodontal diseases and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and adverse pregnancy outcomes.