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30 March 2021

First issue of EFP Alumni magazine Perio Life is published

Categories:Communication, Education



The EFP has published the first issue of Perio Life, a new magazine that reflects the work of the periodontists who are alumni of the EFP-accredited postgraduate programmes of periodontology.

It is written by members of EFP Alumni, which represents periodontists who have received the EFP certificate after completing their accredited masters’ courses and members of the faculties that teach the programmes.

This first issue of Perio Life also features interviews with three alumni covering different aspects of their subsequent lives as professional periodontists:

  • Alberto Ortiz-Vigón (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) explains the challenges faced by a periodontal practice in ensuring staff and patient safety during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Elmira Boloory (ACTA, Netherlands) gives an in-depth account of what is involved in setting up an independent periodontal practice.
  • Eva Muñoz Aguilera (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, UK) talks about what doing an EFP-accredited course has meant to her professionally.

There is also an interview with Ubele van der Velden (programme director at ACTA) who was one of the creators of the EFP accredited programme in periodontology that is now taught at 16 universities in 12 countries.

Finally, EFP head of communications Cândice Gasperin offers some tips on how periodontists and other dental professionals can best use social media to benefit their practices.

In his introduction to the magazine, EFP Alumni chair Filippo Graziani (an alumnus of UCL Eastman Dental Institute), says that “Perio Life is more than the house magazine for EFP Alumni themselves. The material here is aimed at the wider periodontal and dental community, including those who may be interested in training on one of the EFP-accredited courses.”

Perio Life, which is published as a pdf designed to be easy to read on tablets and mobile phones as well as on personal computers, will be published twice a year.