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19 January 2021

Forbes magazine puts spotlight on Perio Master Clinic 2022 in Mexico

Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication, Events



Perio Master Clinic 2022, the EFP event for clinicians that will be held in Mexico in February 2022, is the subject of a feature article in the Mexican edition of Forbes magazine

The Mexican Association of Periodontology, one of the EFP’s international associate members, is the host society that will help organize the event, which will take place in the city of León.

Headlined “The stage of global periodontology”, the article in the December 20 – January 21 edition of the magazine says how “in 2022, the city of León will be the venue for the most important meeting in periodontology, a speciality dedicated to oral health.”

Describing Perio Master Clinic as “the Super Bowl of periodontology”, the article mentions the work of the society’s president Alfonso Alejandro García Huerta in helping to bring the event to Mexico.

The topic of the EFP International Perio Master Clinic 2022 in León will be hard- and soft-tissue aesthetic reconstructions around teeth and dental implants and will be based around the programme of last year’s Perio Master Clinic 2020 in Dublin, with additional speakers from Mexico.

The event will be chaired by Dr García Huerta, with Anton Sculean as scientific chair, as he was for the Dublin master clinic.

The EFP Perio Master Clinic provides clinicians with the opportunity to learn the latest innovative clinical techniques in periodontology and implant dentistry from international experts.

This will be the second time that and EFP Perio Master Clinic has been held outside of Europe, following Perio Master Clinic 2019 in Hong Kong.

Following the first Perio Master Clinic in Paris in 2014, the event for clinicians has taken place in Malta (2017), Hong Kong (2019), and Dublin (2020). After the Mexican edition, the next Perio Master Clinic in Europe will be Perio Master Clinic 2023 in Antwerp (Belgium).

“There is no success without virtue: you dream and create when you know the time to be awake and start the action,” said Dr García Huerta

“I believe that the greatest achievement of having attracted Forbes attention to the field of periodontology is that now we are visible to a society that had limited knowledge about this branch of oral health. With this publication, many barriers will be broken, and society can have access to information that will help it understand that periodontal diseases can be treated and prevented, but above all that they are diseases that affect public health.”