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6 June 2019

Gum Health Day 2019: Spain – focus on oral health and pregnancy

Categories:National Activities, Gum Health Day

Gum Health Day 2019: Spain – focus on oral health and pregnancy

The Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration (SEPA) marked Gum Health Day with a press conference to present a report on oral health and pregnancy.

The 32-page report, Salud bucal en la mujer embarazada [Oral health in the pregnant woman] was presented by Adrián Guerrero, who was president of SEPA at the time.

The report was prepared by a working group of SEPA and the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) and it builds on the guidelines published by the EFP in 2017 in the Oral Health & Pregnancy project.

The SEPA report describes the main effects of pregnancy on oral health and the links between periodontal disease and pregnancy complications. It includes a series of recommendations for professionals on periodontal treatment for pregnant women.

In terms of patient outreach, SEPA held an awareness activity that included free oral-health check-ups during its 60th anniversary congress, which took place in Valencia from May 29 to June 1.

In addition, the society published articles about Gum Health Day in its Cuida Tus Encías [Take care of your gums] magazine, its newsletter, and on its website. There was also a large amount of social-media activity to support the annual awareness day.