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5 May 2022

Gum Health Day 2022 campaign builder offers choice of 10 slogans

Category:Gum Health Day

Within this content-generation tool – which can be used to create social-media messages and posters – there are 10 slogans that can be adopted.

There are three categories of slogan: EuroPerio10, early diagnosis of periodontal disease, and “treat your gums”.


For messages aimed at dental professionals, there are two slogans designed to encourage attendance at EuroPerio10, which takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 15-18:

  • Join us at the number-one meeting in perio and implants – Learn the latest from the greatest.
  • The whole world of periodontology and implant dentistry together at a single meeting – Visit EuroPerio10.

There are three slogans related to the importance of early diagnosis of periodontal disease:

  • Gum disease can shorten your life – take action now!
  • Bleeding gums or loose teeth can be a sign of gum disease – See your dental team.
  • Healthy gums for a longer life – Ask your dental team about prevention and treatment options.

Five slogans relate to the core message of Gum Health 2022, “Treat your gums”:

  • Gum disease can be treated effectively – Ask your dentist and the dental team about the new guidelines.
  • Losing your teeth because of gum disease? Prevention and treatment options exist – Visit your dental team.
  • Gum disease? See your dentist for treatment following the latest international guidelines.
  • Concerned about your gums? See the new international guidelines for treatments that are proven to work.
  • Gum disease treatments that work – Ask your dentist and the dental team.

All slogans are available in the 23 languages that are integrated into the campaign builder.

“The Gum Health Day campaign has a worldwide reach,” said Moritz Kebschull, co-ordinator of Gum Health Day 2022. “Thus, there is a strong need to make content customisable, as not every combination works in every country and every system. Periodontists around the world want to use their own logos and make this content their own – and only via our colleagues and partners we will reach the real target group of the campaign, our patients at risk!”

Perio Talks special on May 12

To mark Gum Health Day 2022, there will be a live Perio Talks session on Instagram on May 12 at 18.00 (CET), in which Moritz Kebschull and representatives of various EFP-affiliated national societies of periodontology will talk about the awareness initiatives in different countries, the use of the campaign builder, and how to create greater awareness of Gum Health Day and of gum health in general.