16 October 2017
Iain Chapple outlines global vision for the EFP in latest edition of EFP News
Categories:Communication, Institutional

In a special interview in the new edition of EFP News, secretary general Iain Chapple explains his vision of the EFP as “the global opinion leader on all issues relating to periodontal health and dental implants.”
Half-way through his three-year term as secretary general, Prof Chapple says that the federation is making “good progress” in embodying this vision and in implementing its new strategic plan, but that it also faces new organisational challenges.
He talks about plans to create a new form of international associate member for countries beyond Europe and about the EFP’s new projects with its partners, such as the recently launched Oral Health and Pregnancy web sub-site with Oral-B.
“Every partner can develop a ‘branch’ programme with the EFP and we have had dialogue with all the partners,” he says. The EFP’s partners are Dentaid, Oral-B, Sunstar, Johnson & Johnson, and Colgate.
The autumn/winter edition of EFP News, the EFP’s biannual bulletin, includes news and interviews about EuroPerio9 and an extensive report on European Gum Health Day 2017, including a round-up of the activities held by national societies of periodontology in 27 different countries.
This ninth edition of EFP News also includes a report about the recent EFP Postgraduate Symposium, information about the new EFP Alumni project, and all the important news about the recent activities of the EFP and its 30 affiliated national societies of periodontology.
EFP News is an eight-page bulletin published by the European Federation of Periodontology twice a year, in spring and in autumn. The current and previous editions can be found at Perio Review / EFP News