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9 November 2017

Italian perio society holds course on treating severely compromised teeth

Category:National Activities

Italian perio society holds course on treating severely compromised teeth

A recent two-day course organised by the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIdP) put the focus on how dental professionals should treat severely compromised teeth.

Speakers had been asked to provide answers, supported by scientific evidence and clinical cases, on the possible ways to save a tooth or to replace it with prosthetic treatment.

Leading Italian periodontists Cristiano Tomasi and Pierpaolo Cortellini described a decision-making process starting from diagnosis and the evaluation of the tooth’s prognosis, focusing periodontal and dental elements to develop a proper treatment plan. They outlined the interaction between non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy as the key factor to retain severely compromised tooth in compliant patients.

Marco Veneziani, Andrea Savi, and Elio Berutti – experts in restorative dentistry, prosthetic procedures, and endodontics – focused on how restorative and prosthetic dentistry should be integrated into a periodontally-oriented treatment with minimal invasiveness and with respect for biological tissue, creating the synergy to enhance the dentist’s capabilities of diagnosis, treatment, and preservation of the natural dentition.

Jeanie Suvan illustrated how the dental hygienist can change the prognosis of a severely compromised tooth, highlighting strategies for establishing a trust-based relationship with the patient through effective communication – an approach that can improve oral hygiene and lead to behavioural change.

She emphasised how close collaboration between hygienists and periodontists is essential for creating specific patient-tailored strategies that maintain a symbiotic equilibrium between the oral microbiota and the host defences.

Andrea Pilloni and Stefano Gennai described the data emerging from research being carried out at the University of Pisa and Sapienza University in Rome on the patient’s perception of the proposal of implants. This research shows that a relationship of trust between patient and practitioner can be an important element in the acceptance of implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.

The course – “The severely compromised tooth: biological and clinical parameters for maintaining it or extracting it” – was co-ordinated by Mauro Merli and attended by 850 periodontists, dentists, dental hygienists, and students. It took place on October 13 and 14 at the Lingotto Conference Centre in Turin.

Alongside the course, there was also a meeting of young SIdP members – where Cristiano Tomasi explained how to read and interpret scientific articles – and a meeting of the SIdP Academy, which involved a clinical case presentation and a discussion.

Attendees were also given a report about the activities carried out by the society for European Gum Health Day 2017. A video was shown of the initiative where four mobile dental clinics visited the cities of Norcia, L'Aquila, Civitella del Tronto and San Severino Marche (which had been affected by an earthquake in October 2016) to provide free periodontal screenings and hand out information about gum health.

The next course organised by the Italian perio society will take place in Naples on December 1 and 2, devoted to the topic “the periodontal approach to conscious implant treatment.”